Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday noon [updated]

Harusnya sih ngebintaro tapi jam 6 pagi kudu nyampe sana dan untuk acara yang cuma sebentar, males bet. Bangun gw aja jam 7 tadi hahahaha. Terserah deh mau dibilang ga komitmen atau apa.

A really slow day, setelah malam harinya nonton dua match sekaligus dan pake ketiduran. Yah walau skornya sebelum dan sesudah gw ketiduran sama aja. Dari pagi cuma bolak balik laptop-hape, bukanya criminal case-candy crush-pokopang-candy crush-pokopang bolak balik gitu aja. Nganggur bet yak? Get a life C! haha. Eiya ini candy crush baru mulai main lagi loh, sebelumnya stuck di level 208. Terus gw abaikan, adek gw yang kadang-kadang maenin berhasil menyelesaikan level itu. Move forward!!

Ah, abis nontonin XIA 1st concert juga, abis donlot. Itu encore concert di Seoul. Terus ada cuplikan tanggal-tanggal dia konser worldwide, dan pas yang di Indonesia ga disebutin. #jleb abis, saking ga lakunya gitu ga dianggep, dilupakan? Tapi ya kalo laku mana dapet sih gw tiket diskon banting harga kayak gitu hahahaha. Ngomong-ngomong tiket, belom jadi beli tiket CN BLUE. Kayaknya salenya juga ga gitu bagus? Tunggu diskon lagi aja deh *semoga ada xD*.

25 days left to wisuda (kalo ga salah itung). Abis wisuda pengen banget potong rambut, terus tergoda buat ikutan shave for hope itu loh. Tapi jadinya rambutnya dipotong gitu aja ga ada modelnya dong ya._. Liat nanti lagi deh......

Abis nonton Masterchef US S4 sekilas, terus keinget last year's winner. The winner of S3 is Christine Ha and she is blind. Wiki-ed about her, then went to her blog. In her blog there's a guest blogger, Jon M. He is a painter and photographer, he also has temporary blindness. I went to his blog too and he shot great photos. Then a thought struck me. What if I'm the one goes blind? Can I live like them? All this time I relied a lot with my vision. Watching TV, reading a book, drawing, spazzing over celebrities and clothes....... Then suddenly all I could see is nothing. I don't know how I'll feel if such thing happened, hope I won't be depressed. I hope I don't have to go through it.

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