Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Sekarang gw lagi di kampung yang adanya di tengah gunung. Bukan bertapa, jelas. Tapi beneran gw lagi liburan di kampung, di tengah gunung. Judulnya sih liburan. Tapi kerjaan gw masih banyak =_= ITF dan tugas2 huuuuuffftt.. Yah semoga aja kelar semua, masuk2 tinggal nyantai mikirin oral test PPSP (wait, itu ga nyantai namanya). Targetnya sih selesai sebelom tahun baru.... kan mau liat kembang api cetar cetar (?) Tapi masa gw libur cuma ngendep di kampung gitu? heeeem.

(#np What Can I Do - The Corrs)
akhir2 ini lagi inget lagu ini. eh ternyata lagunya... sssstt buat yang ngerti /apasih xD

If you wonder kenapa gw pake bahasa Indonesia ngepostnya, simply lagi males mikir._. (yaudah sih ga ada yang peduli mau pake bahasa Afrika sekalipun)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


In life, people come and go. Most will leave, few will stay. From those who leave, most are passer-bys. Some of them leave after staying for awhile, and others going back and forth. From those who stays, some eventually leave and even lesser who stays till the end. Those who wants to leave, just let them go. And you'll be grateful you've done so.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

On the bed

It's the 3rd day I 'date' my bed. I barely get out of it except for bath, toilet, eat and going to Japanese class. Oh plus watching football. I don't know why I got this extreme laziness. No, I'm not sick. I'm exhausted, yeah. But for 3 days straight..... that's extraordinary. Actually there are many things I could do, like updating my book inventory. I could go to TA and wander alone like I once did. But errr lazy, have no mood etc. Since I'm in this state... those negative thoughts appear again. Need to do something to divert my attention. K, bye, morning all *yawn*