Monday, April 7, 2014

Expectation is dangerous

That's what I learn lately. Just read news about SS501's leader Kim Hyun Joong said that he's not confident about the group reunification. All in all, as fans we really shouldn't expect much eh. I mean, even closest people to us, cannot always meet our expectation. Idol, well, is basically a stranger. We are just fans. So it's not right if putting so much hope on stranger.
It's kinda convince me, that the only person I can trust is me. Should not put too much expectation on others. As little as possible, so I will not be so disappointed when it can't be fulfilled. So if I expect wrongly, there won't be much damage inflicted on me and others.
Something too much is not good. Even if it's good things like love, hope, trust, kindness, etc, if too much of them it won't do any good.

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