Saturday, May 18, 2013


I started today with a wrong move: I over think about something that shouldn't be thought about. Okay, whatever. It's day 4 of holiday? Well, no, stand-by time (?) to be precise. I already ran out of option about what should I do. But this laptop finally will be re-installed, yay! I can watch movies and videos and play games again after that. Then mom said that me and my sis should learn to cook, since we have so much free time. Hmm I'll consider it.
Anyway I recently watched Star Trek: Into the Darkness. AWESOME! At first, I watched only to see Benedict Cumberbatch. Me and my friend went 'kyaaaaa' silently when his voice first appeared. It's the first time I watched a Hollywood movie because of the actor, not its story line. Though Benedict Cumberbatch acted as the villain, he's just evilly cool. Of course, he's defeated by the protagonist and that's how film ended. Nice story line, really. Next movie to watch is Fast and Furious 6! I've been watching this since the first installment but never got bored of it. Those speeding sport cars are sexy hahaha.
I would like to add more random things. Somehow lately my male friends has been telling me their love problems. Guys, sorry but I think I am unqualified to give you any advice. But hope you find your right one and invite me to your wedding lah ;)
'Kay bye!

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