Monday, December 2, 2013

On the train

Currently on my way home, standing inside commuter line and blogging, instead of grabbing the handheld. There's ibu2 yang lesehan bukannya berdiri, baru berdiri setelah kesenggol gw. I don't know what to blog actually, I just feel like it haha. Sometimes I underestimate my body eh? I know my balance is quite good, but it's still good though my ankle is injured(?) XD. I'm inside the woman only gerbong (fak I forgot its English), dont really like it here actually. They are all chatty with each other,  while I prefer silence. Oh back to topic. Sometimes I feel like I've been through tiring days or weeks and I think I might faint or fall sick, but actually I can pass them well and healthy. Oh reaching Tebet, I got empty seat. My laptop is heavy to carry huft. Erm what else? I still have several stops until Juanda. Oh they aren't that berisik actually, just sometimes. Lowbat argh. Kaybye.

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