Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck [warning: spoiler]
Monday, December 23, 2013
At Station
I miss the train, berangkat pas gw nyampe stasiun-.- Sebenernya yang mau dibahas bukan itu sih. Akhir-akhir ini kalo tidur sering mimpi, dan aneh-aneh. Kemaren-kemaren dreamless padahal. Tadi pagi aja mimpinya dikejar-kejar om-om tua(?) mau dilamar, terus gw nolak tapi dia kekeuh. Gw lari, ngumpet, eh ketauan, lari lagi, ngumpet lagi, ketauan lagi, repeat. Ga inget endingnya gimana u.u;; Udah sih itu dulu, takut lupa mimpinya apa makanya buru-buru ngeblog #random
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The video was tweeted by KARA's Seungyeon, but she only tweeted the video link, so as usual I'm curious about what it is. Turns out it's a video of university student doing flashmob, and play Arirang (Korean folk song, often sung in the end of kpop concerts) in orchestra. You may watch it below.
It makes me think, if Indonesia Pusaka (or any other lagu wajib nasional or Indonesian folk song) are played in this style, it would be cool, wouldn't it? Also will promote Indonesia culture better. Well, it's just an idea and opinion from me. I don't have the capabilities to arrange that pffftt.
The article is about how Japanese elderly preparing for their death.
No, they aren't going to suicide. They plan about how their dead body will be treated, either cremated or buried. They plan and calculate the cost, cloths, who will take care of those process, etc. I may say, they are ready to die. It would be good if all people has such mindset. Such plan will minimize the burden of their children or relatives or neighbors. It makes me, when I'm older, maybe will prepare such things too haha. Nyeh but am such a coward, not sure I can ready myself like that lol.
Okay back to paraphrasing~
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Sunny day
Gatau kenapa tapi badan lagi kurang sehat(?) kayaknya. Bersin-bersin, pegel-pegel. Mau flu maybe. Perasaan tidur gw udah banyak juga-.-
Karena sekarang jarang ketemu teman sepermainan(?) jadilah nonton Catching Fire dan The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug sendiri. Both films are worth the wait xD I enjoyed the movies a lot, so ya sebodo amat mau kanan kiri gw orang pacaran juga xD Next year both film ketiga/terakhirnya rilis, entah akan nonton sendiri atau sama siapa. Jangan-jangan udah penempatan terus di kota itu ga ada bioskop................ Ya Allah jangan sampe :" /bay/ Btw abis nonton The Hobbit jadi pengen ke New Zealand, buat motoin scenerynya. Dari abis TLOTR sih sebenernya, tapi baru kepengen lagi jadinya.
Kamis kemaren diajakin ke klien sama senior. Meetingnya sih bentar, kalo ditotal cuma sekitar 2,5 jam. tapi ya perjalanannya bolak balik ditotal juga segitu. Berangkat kantor jam 9, balik nyampe kantor lagi setengah 5. Sia-sia deh gw berat-berat bawa laptop hari itu u.u Pas paginya, si pak manajer yang lulusan STAN bilang pas ngobrol-ngobrol, gw di KPP PMA aja (kerjanya, penempatannya). Aminin aja lah ya hahaha. Lalu pas ngobrol2 makan siang, bilangnya keluar aja setelah 5 tahun. Terus kerja di konsultan, atau perusahaan, lebih menarik dia bilang. Jiahahaha si bapak, entahlah karir gw akan gimana, semoga di Jakarta terus haha. Bukan karena gamau jauh dari orang tua sih. This city has all I want and need. Kalo di luar Jakarta mau nonton konser susah kan u.u
PS: nemu begini "#Aquarius will never reveal their innermost feelings, no matter how hard others may try to persuade them" tapi kok kayaknya fail akhir2 ini u.u;;;
Thursday, December 12, 2013
titik dua huruf v
Kemaren tanggal bagus. Ga ada yang bagus sih, cuma sms Zahra yang entah kesambet apa so sweet bener dan Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
Let's see what I can post about the rest of the day, I'll edit this post later probably. No update artinya gabut yes haha.
PS: It's like the universe conspire against me on that matter pft :"
Monday, December 9, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
What do you want to do before you die?
Okay, I don't know hahaha. I would like to fill it with something which once I did it, I don't mind if I die instantly afterwards. But I haven't found that something yet. So.... let me seek for it awhile longer, hope I have enough lifetime to find and achieve whatever it is :)
Monday, December 2, 2013
On the train
Currently on my way home, standing inside commuter line and blogging, instead of grabbing the handheld. There's ibu2 yang lesehan bukannya berdiri, baru berdiri setelah kesenggol gw. I don't know what to blog actually, I just feel like it haha. Sometimes I underestimate my body eh? I know my balance is quite good, but it's still good though my ankle is injured(?) XD. I'm inside the woman only gerbong (fak I forgot its English), dont really like it here actually. They are all chatty with each other, while I prefer silence. Oh back to topic. Sometimes I feel like I've been through tiring days or weeks and I think I might faint or fall sick, but actually I can pass them well and healthy. Oh reaching Tebet, I got empty seat. My laptop is heavy to carry huft. Erm what else? I still have several stops until Juanda. Oh they aren't that berisik actually, just sometimes. Lowbat argh. Kaybye.