Friday, November 8, 2013


I don't know why but I feel so negative. Home alone dan mendung pula (sempet hujan sih). Thought reading will cheer me up a bit but seems it has no effect. Play my iTunes but actually nothing I'd like to listen to, not in the mood. About books, I finally managed to finish Fifty Shades of Grey. Not a happy ending yet. I don't know if I'll read the 2nd and 3rd books. It's a refreshing choice of book for me. It wasn't as bad as I thought first. Ha, seems I still judgmental towards several things. I bought two novels too when I went to bookfair, while I still have unfinished ones.
About the negativity. I feel like I'm selfish. I know it's not right but............. can't help it. I think I'm quite individualist. I feeli like I'm not a good daughter either (abis dinasehatin nyokap di telepon). Like I've ever become one, I just look like one pfftt. Sorry mom. Kadang juga suka masih suudzan(?), efek think too deep and too much. Enaknya sih ketipu aja gitu(?) atau ga mikir macem-macem terhadap niatan orang, just take it as it looks like. I also get envious and jealous easily, even to heroines in mangas and novels ha ha. Oh seriously C, maybe you really have to join personality school(?) to fix those nasty traits. Ini gw meracau apasih. Yaudah, pokoknya lagi negatif. Honestly I would like to talk to people but I don't want to affect their mood so........... udah gitu aja.

PS: #Aquarius can't help but to be drawn to the unusual, the unordinary, or the forbidden.
oh true.

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