Friday, December 26, 2014

Almost New Year

Well. That's how fast time passes by. I still remember what I hoped in previous new-years. I don't know what I should hope for next. Can I just hope for the best in everything without being specific? Because I don't know what else I should do to turn my hope into something real. Hey, God knows what's best for me, I can just leave it to Him, right? Pray more, worry less. Gotta drill those words in my head. Should stop trying to figure people out, also stop thinking that my thoughts are the truth.

Oh, one thing for sure I still want to be able to drive. I also want to be able to apply make-up. I need that to have better mask.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

6th week

Whew, it's been a long time since I post something. I'm on my 6th week working in this building, from either 4th or 5th floor. The view I often see is people march for demonstration. The cafeteria is small with not many variant of food, but cheaper from next door. There's also new uniform rule. Hmm I don't know what to post. Still not doing much things ppffttt. Well, I try to enjoy as best as I could. Although I still feel that I'm in the wrong place.......... I'll just figure things out as time goes by. Anyway There are many kinds of people, good ones, got treated sometimes xD. Okay that's it for now.

Oh, I just remember my paycheck is still on hold. Hope I get good news about it this evening.

Friday, November 7, 2014


Kala badai menderu
Kau melaju
Tanpa tuju
Berlari hingga tak menapak lagi kaki
Mencibir, mencaci

Aku terdiam, menatap malam
Bulan tertutup awan hitam
Langit menumpahkan amarah,
membasahi tanah

Akhirnya cerah, silau
Mataku nanar, pandangi penjuru
Terlihat tiang layar, membawa dirimu
Dengan senyuman
disambut pelukan

Gegara nontonin AADC (film dan mini drama) yang banyak puisi dan narasi bagus, jadilah mood bikin ini.
Iya tau, levelnya ga nyampe seujung skillnya Cinta/Rangga.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Running Man Fan Meeting: Race Start!!

Dalam acara fanmeet ini yang dateng ada Song Jihyo, Kim Jongkook, Haha, Ji Sukjin dan Lee Kwangsoo. Acaranya di Istora. 25 Oktober lalu. Kebetulan gw bisa nonton karena kakaknya temennya adek gw yang wartawan dapet tiket lebih. Kalo beli sendiri sih ogah banget, mahal cuy. Di fanmeet ini ngapain aja? Ga jelas abis sumpah hahaha.

Seharusnya acara mulai jam 20.00, tapi seinget gw, kayaknya mulainya lebih cepet. Dimulai dengan mereka muncul berlima di panggung nyanyi bersama-sama, lagunya drama entah yang mana. Lalu MC Dave Hendrik melakukan sedikit interview. Setelah itu mereka ganti baju olahraga untuk melakukan games dengan lucky fans yang udah diundi sebelumnya. Dalam salah satu game, Jihyo baik banget(?), dia seharusnya sit-up 50x berdua sama partnernya, gantian gitu. Tapi pas partnernya cewek dia ngelakuin 39x, yang artinya si fans cuma perlu 11x. Mungkin karena sering ngegym fisiknya tahan sit-up banyak dan cepet (beda sama gw yang jarang banget olahraga lol). 

Setelah sesi game berakhir, mereka menghilang lagi ke backstage buat ganti baju. Nongol laginya pun gantian, masing-masing nyanyi solo. Pertama nongol Ji Sukjin, nyanyi lagunya Eru yang Black Glasses (ituloh lagu yang jadi OST Hello, Goodbye yang ada Atiqah Hasiholan sama Rio Dewanto nya). Gantian Kwangsoo nongol, nyanyi OST drama juga (entah apa), pake sok-sok main piano padahal enggak, terus bagi-bagi mawar ke penonton. Setelahnya Jihyo nongol, nyanyi 2 lagu. Yang pertama OST drama (sori, ga pernah inget dramanya apa, udah nonton kebanyakan haha). Lagu kedua lagunya Leessang yang Turned Off The TV, bagian rapnya ditemenin Haha dan Jongkook yang pake topeng Gary loool. Kelar itu nongol Sukjin dan Kwangsoo, perform Troublemaker lmao. Sukjin as Hyunseung dan Kwangsoo as Hyuna, najong lah bajunya dress backless gitu hahahah. Selanjutnya Jongkook nongol, nyanyi One Man dan Maroon 5's Sunday Morning. Akhirnya Haha nongol bersama orang botak gatau siapa yang ngerap gitu, ngemedley lagu-lagu reggae (sama lagunya dia juga yang Rosa). Last, Jongkook nongol lagi buat duet sama Haha, nyanyi Twist King nya Turbo (Jongkook's old duo).

Sesi nyanyi-nyanyi selesai, tibalah di penghujung acara. MCnya nongol lagi bersama mereka berlima, nanya-nanya kesannya gimana. Ditutup dengan penampilan mereka nyanyi Lovable dan Busan Vacance. Yang paling interaktif sama fans sih Haha, Kwangsoo dan Jihyo. Terus mereka menghilang bentar, nongol lagi buat encore dengan lagu Hands Up nya 2PM.

That's it, jam 21.20 udah kelar. Cepet yak. Tapi ya emang mau ngapain lagi sih mereka. Yang nontonin juga ga banyak sih. Selain bagian VVIP, sepi banget bangkunya. Kayaknya sebanyak-sebanyaknya yang nonton, total cuma 1000 orang kali yak, atau kurang.

Yang jelas sih, untung gw nonton gratis =))

Rainy morning

Pagi ini bokap nyokap off to Padang. Yayness, freedom! Tapi rumah bakal sepi bet, padahal hati gw aja udah sepi (apeu). Pengennya main sampe pagi atau lempar party haha hihi tapi ga punya temen juga pft. Pengennya........ ah sudahlah.

Yang paling sedih sih adalah buku gw dirayapin. Selemari. Ga ngerti gimana makhluk laknat bajingan bisa masuk situ. padahal tiap tahun gw bongkar lemari ga ada rayap. Bahkan buku yang pas tkd kemaren iseng gw baca aja sekarang ancur parah...... Paling sedihnya Harry Potter #7 yang English juga ancur (covernya doang sih tapi sama aja buat gw). Sedih pake banget, That is First Edition, I always order beforehand to make sure I got a copy. Sampe nangis? Iyalah pffft ketawain aja kalo mau. Gw tumbuh bersama buku, jarang main keluar rumah. Buku-buku itu temen gw, ga bisa bayangin kalo ga ada buku dulu gw ngapain aja 'dikurung' di rumah mulu.

Sekarang langitnya gelap banget, entahlah rencana siang ini bakal jadi atau ngga. Huft.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Personality test

So I randomly found this test in my FB feed and took the test. The result is like what the picture said. Kinda disagree because I think I am not temperamental nor sensitive lol. I answered some questions without thinking much too~ Not sure if this is accurate haha.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


My laptop is back again. Apparently its fan is crushed because I often tilt my laptop when using. So I got it replaced. Using my own is much better than dad's or sis'.

I know it's been awhile since I write, but beside that, I don't what story did I have. Oh right, I have one. I went to Semarang on 1-3 Oct, to meet him, and of course, a short trip. It was fun, though there's one plan that got cancelled lol. I stayed at Ayu's, there's her baby niece in the house, very cute. I went around to Sam Poo Kong, Lawang Sewu (it was renovated, gotta visit again), Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah, Pagoda Watu Gong. Oh I visited his highschool too~ I ate tahu gimbal, nasi badak sambel, tahu pong, tahu bakso, bandeng, even chicken maryland hahaha.

Anyway it was a really short trip, so I don't know what else to share except that I'm happy ehehehe. It's great that I am allowed to travel alone, don't know why my mom suddenly letting me. Now I have a new goal: to visit every province in Indonesia for at least once. Yea, even Papua is on my destination list. I would like to travel around this country but it's so huge, so once every province is quite represent my intention. 

I just read someone else's blog and I feel inferior about my writing because it's such a mess, with a lot repeated words and not elaborated properly. (Everyone has their own style, C *self-motivating*)

Ciao, gotta have my late lunch!

PS: Always addressing him without name is kinda impolite.... no? Hey, do you prefer your name to be mentioned or not? 

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Pada langit kuceritakan rahasia
Membisikkan kata demi kata
pada awan-awan hujan
Pada langit aku bercerita
Hingga mentari pancarkan sinarnya
membentuk pelangi kisah
untuk dibaca di hari yang cerah

lagi kesambet. padahal dulu pas jaman sekolah paling ga bisa bikin puisi

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tuhan itu Maha Pembolak-balik Hati. I'll just trust Him whatever His plans for me. Whatever it is, no matter how difficult it may be, I am grateful to Him.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Trash can

There are some people who exist like that for me, being a 'trash can'. It's not a bad remark, I throw all my problems to them and they accept it, sometimes being quiet and other times giving advice and scolding me. Thanks a lot, fellas. You are my precious.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

3rd post in a day

Whoa I'm on a roll! Firstly I'd like to say welcome back to my laptop~ A week without you has been quite boring. Masalahnya si laptop...... agak ga penting sih wakaka. Yaudahlah ya~

Now I would like to express my opinion about Kim Hyun Joong's case. As SS501's fan, I certainly feel sad, and am disappointed towards him. Ga lagi deh gw nyebut dia Leader, udah ga pantes kayaknya. Emang sih, kadang-kadang dari ekspresinya kalo diliat-liat itu kayak orang nahan emosi (menurut gw loh ya, soalnya lumayan sering 'baca' ekspresi orang dan sering tepat). But getting into physical fight with your girlfriend, from my point of view, as a girl, has never been an option. Mungkin agak beda cerita kalo ceweknya atlet karate, judo, UFC fighter #yakeles. Tapi tetep aja, walau cuma sekali......... hih banget lah. Ini kalo masih ada fansnya yang belain pake bilang 'Hyunppa ga mungkin begitu' gw jejelin kolor jamuran juga deh. Orangnya aja udah ngaku. Lagian makin meragukan kalo kejadiannya cuma sekali, karena dia juga bilang kalo lagi emosi suka berlebihan.

Terserah lah mau dipenjarain, denda, kerja sosial atau apa. Semoga aja si Hyunjoong dapet pelajaran dari kasus ini. Padahal image dia selama ini bagus, yang sering donasi gitu-gitu. Tapi dermawan kan ga ada hubungannya sama ringan tangan lalalala~

Haaa comebacknya SS501 makin lama deh. Member yang lain ga ada suaranya juga tentang kasus ini. Bubar aja kali yak? :"

Letting it out

Wisuda UI

Jadi TKD gw udah lewat yuhuuuuu terus bisa dateng ke Wisuda UI. Skor TKD gw........... good enough walau tidak memuaskan. 'cuma' 379 kok

Wisuda UI untuk program S1 Reguler diadakan pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2014. Tadinya nyaris ga jadi kesana karena ga punya temen, lalu Yanar melihat twit dilema gw(?) terus ngajakin barengan. Walau judulnya barengan tapi berangkatnya ga barengan, dan ujung-ujungnya disana ga ketemu sama sekali lol. Malah ketemu Cornal-_- dan senior-senior Folklore yang lain, dan jadinya nimbrungin mereka karena sendirian u.u;;;

Emang kalo niat pasti bisa aja. Lagi celingukan nungguin entah siapapun yang nongol, senior Folklore bilang "Eh itu anak SCI bukan tuh." Pas nengok ternyata si abang, langsung aja gw panggil. Voila, ketemu lah sama Jansen, salah satu wisudawan SCI yang gw cariin. Yaudah bye Cornal, barengan si abang terus deh gw. Lalu kita nyari Wayan, yang posisinya udah jelas dimana. Pas otw kesana, unexpectedly berhasil ketemu Richang juga, yang sekarang........ songong(?) ah gitu lah. Ngasih bunga dapet makasih sambil lalu doang hem. Lanjut nyari Wayan tapi berhasilnya cuma kontakan sama Vania. The signal is so........... ugh. Terus jadinya foto bareng cuma bertiga karena Vania mesti buru-buru ada tugas ko-as jaga malem sampe 7 pagi (iya langsung banget abis wisuda). Terus berpisah jalan dengan mereka dan udah mau pulang tadinya. Begitu keluar dari crowded area akhirnya gw berhasil mendapatkan sinyal yang mendingan, jadi Line-nya Wayan masuk ke gw. Uyeeeey ketemu empat-empatnya!!

Pulangnya nebeng Wayan deh, makasih om, tante. Lumayan banget mana ujannya ga nyantai. Sebenernya bisa aja naik kereta (dan bakal lebih cepet) tapi suka ga enakan kalo nolak tawaran fufufu. Thank you girl!

pengen ganti profpic yang foto bareng Wayan tapi fotonya belom diaplot si empunya yaudahlahya~

Monday, August 25, 2014


Alias Tes Kompetensi Dasar, diadakan Kemenkeu dan Kemenpan antara tanggal 25-29 Agustus 2014 bagi STANers2010. As I'm writing this, the first session is underway. My turn will be in Wednesday noon, but I feel nervous already. Wishing the best of luck for all of us. Honestly, I'm still thinking like "Shit TKD is REAL!" and since yesterday I'm starting to panic hahaha. Well it's needed for me, otherwise I won't study pffttt. Sooooooo okay that's it for now, maybe I'll write again after I do my test.

Oh also wishing my laptop to get well soon, dad is taking it to tukang service *iya sebodo wae tetiba jadi bahasa*. Currently using either my sis' or dad's, not as comfortable as mine ulalala.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Juventus in Indonesia

Very late post, yeah. I'll be quick for this post, so sleepy already.

Juventus visited Jakarta for a match against ISL All-Star in 6 August. At the beginning I thought I won't be able to watch because I can't find a friend to watch ( no accompaniment is a no-go for my mom). Until the night before. Turned out Adrian was going to watch then I was like "Can I join you?" rightaway (it was already midnight lol) because that's the only way to see Buffon! Actually there's a problem before we entered the venue and watch but uhhh too lazy to type it haha. Kinda felt guilty to Adrian too u.u;;
Anyway from before the match start people already flocked around the venue so I thought the stadium would be full. When we are inside, there's not that many people, only half filled. But they played it more serious than Chelsea did.
The matched started at around 8PM and finished around 10. That was the first time I can reach the outer Senayan gate easily to go home, without walking too far xD.

OK that's it for now. Next post will be the super event of the month: TKD!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Belajar nyetir

Hai laptop, setelah beberapa hari dibiarin teronggok di atas lemari, akhirnya gw menyentuhnya lagi. Sakit juga tangan gw megang hape lama-lama.

Anyway, after 9 bulan sekian hari diphp negara, akhirnya gw mulai belajar nyetir lagi, dengan pertimbangan libur lebaran = jalanan yang sepi. Sebenernya ga ke jalan raya juga sih, ngiter2 dalem daerah perumahan aja. 2-3 hari yang lalu belajar nyetir motor, kalo tadi  belajar nyetir mobil. Menurut gw sih...... udah ada kemajuan, walau belom lancar. Yang jelas nyetir mobil lebih gampang dari motor (though my mom thinks the opposite). Pengen cepet lancar nyetirnya biar bisa cepet ngebut di jalan tol /plak.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Berawal dari ucapan lebaran malah jadi curhat dan ngomongin jodoh. Katanya sih, jodoh itu ngga ada. Yang ada adalah dua orang yang memutuskan untuk berjuang bersama. Karena kalo mau nyari yang selalu baik mah ga akan nemu. Lalu gw disodorin foto quote itu. Terus intinya apa? Ya itu, be grateful for him/her who has chosen you, lalu  berjuang bersama.
Yaudah gitu aja, met lebaran!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Friends for life, hopefully

Hidup itu penuh pilihan. Terkadang, pilihan tersebut irreversible dan menentukan bagaimana hidup kita ke depannya. The best choice that I've ever made is choosing to enroll in acceleration class in high school. Kelas Siswa Cerdas Istimewa (SCI), yang muridnya lebih mirip Siswa Cacat Imbisil kalo lagi gila-gilaan. Yang kalo ngatain bisa kampret banget, tapi tindakannya selalu sweet banget. They are the best of friends that I've ever have. Entah hidup gw bakal gimana kalo ga kenal n ga temenan sama mereka. The people that makes me willing to do everything if needed, those I love the most. Semoga tiap tahun bisa ngumpul terus ya :")

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mood sekip

Listen boy, my first love story ~
Well itu lirik awal lagu Gee by SNSD sih :v I think it suits this post.
(PS: 'boy' nya itu gw ga ngerefer ke siapapun, emang liriknya gitu :v)
you better not reading this haha

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bandung again

Finally I get to play with my SCI fellas in Bandung yay! After 4 years since we all first admitted into higher education institute, I finally able to visit them. Just in time for their graduation ceremony! I hope I can attend the October one, it will be Nandya's time. I went with Tia and Vania, and we were staying at Gorby's. Thanks a lot sistah!
(lalu bingung ngeblog apa lagi lalala~)
Itu foto berkat disuruh Tia dandan rapih ke wisudaan makhluk2 itu. Terimakasih jempolnya teman2 #naonsih. Awalnya merasa terjebak karena liat banyak yang pake jins dsb. Tapi berkat dandan rapih gw ga minder2 amat keluyuran dalem kampus orang yang banyak cowok kecenya, gw jadi ga keliatan jelek2 amat hahahaha. Tetep sih ga nemu jodoh :' #ea #apeubet #ganjenlu Yaudah sih nanti juga nemu entah dimana :v

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Weird mood

Bukan pertanda PMS sih, tapi mood gw ya lagi aneh gitu. Moodnya: I feel sad remembering happy memories. Mungkin bukannya aneh, tapi karena gw sadar hubungan gw dengan orang-orang di memori gw itu udah ga seperti dulu. Those times are impossible to repeat, mau sekangen apapun. Jadinya sedih deh. Ga penting banget yak sedihnya -_- Gini nih kalo kelamaan nganggur aaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk. Udah sih. *brb nyanyi Happy by Pharrell Williams biar happy lagi*

Friday, July 4, 2014

I like blogger but there more interesting things in tumblr. Well.. here are the links, because I can't reblog

Something about memories

The Rules of Ladies (I like #234)

The Rules of Gentleman

Quote It (my favs are : 1 2 3 )


Those are probably cliche but...... hmmm.... I like quotes, because they are inspiring and have powers to lead people to a way, either better or worse. Maybe because I am a reader, that I come to like words.

It's only halfway through 2014 but I feel like I've experienced soooo much and feel like 6 years older *lebay* Better I prepare myself for more things that life's bringing me.

Current mood: totally pissed off. Oh seriously C be cool, calm down.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Convo with mom

C (me): Ma, boleh ke Bandung ga? Sama Tia..
M (mom): Puasa2? Ngapain...?
C: Wisuda anak ITB
M: Emang yang wisuda siapa aja?
C: *nyebutin satu-satu*
M: Nanti puasanya batal lagi...
C: (yakeleus) Ya ngga laaah. Puasa kok tetep...
M: *no further response*

ulalalala :vvvvv

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Iya macem Power Ranger gitu :v Atau Erza Scarlet :v

Jadi gw pengen me-makeover diri gw. How? Yaudah tungguin aja jadi gimana :b
Bongkar-bongkar isi lemari dan menemukan several clothes which can start the change.

Oh I had this idea since months ago actually. But since it's almost Lebaran, which means it will be easier to get permission to buy new clothes, I decide to start now haha. *you leech* xD

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Someday I will sit for an interview by national media which will feature me in their program or pages, talking about my achievement.

I just realized that is my goal for life, I've imagined it soooo many times! xD A bit shallow yeah, but I need to do something big enough to be recognized in order to achieve that shallow dream of mine.

That achievement could be in anything; design, humanity, social science, economy, tax, whatever. Now I have to search which area interest me best, so I will have the will and the excitement to explore and achieve something.

Oh this morning is so random~

Monday, June 16, 2014

2NE1 in Jakarta

너의 사랑이 날 망쳐도 날 아프게 한대도                                (Even if your love ruins me and hurts me
내겐 오직 너 하나뿐                                                         To me, it’s only you
내 사랑은 너로 시작해 너로 끝나                                         
My love starts with you and ends with you
이 자리에 Waiting for you                                               
I’m waiting for you right here)

That is 2NE1's Gotta Be You, my favorite song in Crush album.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Air dan Emas

If someone is offered to choose what he wants between gold and water, he will choose gold. Because gold is expensive, valuable, etc, you name the reason. But water is something people need daily. Nobody can live without water. When water vanish, people will want to trade every gold he has for water. Be a 'water' that is highly needed and irreplaceable, instead of 'gold' that can be sold or exchange easily.

(cie gitu gw berfilosofi, tetiba keingetan aja sih cerita di novel jadul wakaka)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Running Man in Jakarta

June has always been a month for me to fangirl to the max. This month started with Lampard leaving Chelsea. HEY I just realized there should be more words up here why did it disappear-_-. Well yeah Lampard left Chelsea which cracked my heart but I bounced back quickly because Iza won (again) Training Day invitation for Asian Dream Cup and offered one of the tix to me. Lucky me for having such a lucky and generous friend xD. Asian Dream Cup is an annual charity football match held by JS Foundation (owned by Park Ji Sung). Since 2-3 years ago Running Man always participate in this event. Yay so excited! For the match day I bought the tix and gonna watch it with Suci.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Jogja trip

This trip is kinda sudden, because when I chatted Thya, saying I've never been to Jogja, she said she was going there to visit her grandparents and asked me if I want I can join her. So okay here I go haha. ANd the talks took place a week before our departure, so we didn't even think to ask other people to join us. I stayed there for 5 days and 4 nights, from May 9 until May 13.

I want him to go away

'Him' is my dad relative. I consider him as stranger though, because it's his dad and my dad who are related (they are cousins). He has already stayed here for over 10 days. He smokes and makes this house smells like cigarettes. I think that's why I often feel dizzy lately. He has a kid but already divorced. He works as a lawyer. Honestly I dislike him. Yeah he may treated me and my sis to a movie and spending more than 400K but I don't care, I want him away. It makes me kinda restricted in my home because of him, I can't wear too short or too thin clothes, while the weather is so hot. I feel like I have to appear diligent all the time. Seriously I can chase him away with harsh word and I won't feel guilty about it afterwards but I know my dad will get angry with me. I prefer if a friend of mine who stay here for that long because I know him/her well than this stranger. The fact I don't feel safe in my own home annoys me -_-

GAH JUST.GO.AWAY. or live with your kid like seriously -____-

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Apapun lah (lagi)

I listen to Utada Hikaru's First Love because the song popped in my head after hearing news about her 2nd wedding. Then I listen to Come Back To Me and Flavor Of Life (also her songs). As usual I searched for the lyrics translation and I feel like I can relate to those. (But I feel that to many songs so..) The lyrics are so........galau haha. #udahgituaja :p

Last night I dreamed about going to Japan, only for one day, as if it was a business trip. But instead of going to places I want to visit... I am busy buying food and snacks lol. Maybe because I slept in hungry state xD. Hope that dream comes true soon! (About going to Japan, for more than a day and not all about food xD)

I think I should be consistent and persistent in many aspect if I want to be at peace with him and myself.

Gah I haven't blog about my Jogja trip. Oh right I am thinking about making plans for my future trips. I know it's (having plans) so unlike me. Bul now I think planning trip carefully is necessary, because I haven't been able to visit all places I want to when I went Jogja. So.... let's make future trip plans! I won't put the dates but I'll just make a list about how many days, how to get there, prices estimation and stuff. Also friends that I can asked to be my tour guide~ (Or maybe I can just sleep over at her (or his????) house to save money lol)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cuap-cuap sotoy

Gw mau sok ngomenin politik ah biar ngehits /plak. No, it's just several people in my timeline talked about it so I got curious and read news too, especially about the candidates for presidential election this year. So i would like to share my opinion, who is a total amateur and just an audience of all these things.

For 2014 Indonesia Presidential Election, there are 2 sets of President-Vice President candidate. The first pair is Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla, nicknamed Jokowi-JK and the second pair is Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa, nicknamed WoTa just kidding, I'll just shortened it with PS-HR. Each sets backed up by several political party. Jokowi is from PDI-P and JK is from Golkar, and they are supported by PDI-P, NasDem, PKB and Hanura. Prabowo is from Gerindra and Hatta is from PAN, and they are supported by 6 party, Gerindra, PAN, PKS, Golkar, PPP, and PBB. Actually several days ago there was a news about the 3rd set of candidate, consisting Aburizal Bakrie from Golkar and Pramono Edhie Wibowo from Demokrat. But this pair seems fail(?). Anyway what is weird that Golkar spread their support to 2 different groups. Although JK said he acted as himself, not under Golkar, it's just weird. Also Demokrat is not taking side, it's said they will keep neutral. Oh, there's also news about the party in PS-HR group are struggling to get positions in ministry. Just........... seriously, I want to sneer at them. No matter how they word it (dividing the works, they said), for me it looks like they just want to have power to control this country. They are working for their own group, not for Indonesia. Plus there are several 'criminals' within those group. So I think I'll just support my governor Jokowi. Because he works for Indonesia. I don't know much about JK though, but he seems capable enough to support Jokowi.


Gw udah nganggur 'cuma' selama 4 bulan tapi udah suntuk gila rasanya. I rarely talk to people and stuff, because it's me being suck at socializing and keeping contact. TKD kapan sih weh -_- It's not like I'm ready but it's just suck staying at home all day long, washing dishes, sweeping floor and cooking rice. Sebenernya ada beberapa kegiatan lagi sih, macem beberes isi lemari dan nyuci sendal-sepatu gw. Tapi ya beberes itu.......mager. Ya dasarnya gw aja yang bawaannya males kalo di rumah-.-
Btw gimana rasanya yang pure nganggur di rumah --;;;

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Weird dreams

First about a dried dead body with red eyes inside, poking out from between red cages. This morning about I tore my nail(?) and cut it tidily and it doesn't hurt at all.
Huft I didn't sleep tight eh :(
Right now is one of my crankiest time of the year because the weather is so damn hot and am having periodical stomach cramp. Good thing read Naruto's latest chapter and Team 7 is together once again, ease me up a bit.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Apapun lah :v

Though I am not into kpop as much as before (well seems it is still too much for several people :v) honestly I am still liking this genre because of the music and the artists' personality. Not all have good looks. Even I should admit my biases are not the most handsome ones (except Lee Jonghyun, I don't understand how could he be so good looking!). But they got great personality and sing well. Currently there are lots of idol who are able to sing well so... great personality is quite a must for me. Also I am liking Akdong Musician's songs. Debut with full album and all the songs self composed by the 17-18 year old brother of the duo. Just d-a-e-b-a-k.

Oh randomly watch (listen) Marry Your Daughter by Brian McKnight and feeling sad. The song is beautiful and I feel sad. So randomly pathetic.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Not 2NE1's song.
So I got new actor crush yay! Dane Dehaan is so handsome, saw him as Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-man 2 mmmm yesterday. He is 28 years old but.............he is already married *heart cracking* lol.
The character Harry Osborn... I prefer him than the one in previous films. He is more psychotic(?) in this movie. But maybe it's just my tendency to like someone who is abnormal haha.

Ah, randomly thinking "How can Emma Watson date, isn't she busy?" then I googled and found the latest news about her and his non-famous bf, which dated last Monday. Then I think "Oh she still manage it, good for her." Yeah I know it's just so random :v

But it's so annoying whenever I got new actor crushes they are either gay or married. That really makes me can't have delusional thought about them huft hahahaha.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I miss you

But I didn't dare to say it directly. pfffft.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Money can't buy us happiness

But it is needed to pay our bills, internet bill to be specific lol.
We don't need much money. We only need 'enough'. Enough to fulfill our needs and wants haha. Well I don't know how much money I could earn. But there are soooo many things that I can afford once I have enough. I need to be a good financial planner to maintain it.
Here is my priority list:
1. New phone. I want Nexus 5, its spec is enough for me. I love Sony phones but they are getting more expensive, also their android update is kinda late.
2. DSLR camera. I love taking pictures since...... I don't remember when. I once took a picture with a great sky as background with only my 3.2 MP cellphone's camera. I think since that time? I'm not a pro, not enough money to do so. Uh my other hobby needs to be fulfilled too so... xD
3. A Japan trip. Nah, I need to be more precise about the 5W 1H of this trip. Because there are so many places in Japan that I would like to visit and those places scattered all over the country.
4. Venice trip. Oh but not as important as visiting Japan for me :p

Basically that's all. Actually if SS501 will ever be reunited again I would like to go over to Korea and watch their concert. But I don't have much hope haha, not in my priority list. I need car too, so it will be easier if I want to do a trip domestically. Can't drive yet, so later maybe. There are many other dreams but those I mention before are my priority.

I have so many hobbies so I can't determine what is my passion and such. Those hobbies I acquired because I often spend time alone and I am easily getting bored about things. Having many hobbies makes me able to alter one with another in case I'm bored ^^;; Among those hobbies, photography and drawing always gives me satisfaction once I successfully draw well or take a great photo. I kinda hope those pictures I draw or take inspire someone. Reading always clear my thirst of emotions.

This blog is a result of being alone and having much hobby. I need to share my thoughts, my head is full, most times with random like this post(?) lol. That's why several post tagged 'pensieve' (HP lover will know what I relate to).

Zaijian for now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

General Election 2014, 1st Leg [updated]

Yay it's my first time to participate in election! In this leg Indonesian are to choose their representatives in parliament. It can be a certain name or a certain party. Honestly I don't like politics but I do think this country need some serious improvement. So I use my right to vote. I don't know if I choose the right people though I've done research and such u.u;;; Only quite sure my choice for DPR, not sure about DPRD and DPD #fail

The 2nd Leg will be choosing Indonesia next president. It will be on July. For now, let's see which party will win this round by the end of the day. Maybe I'll update later.
Oh clearly PDI-P won.

I met again with a friend of mine. At the place we cast our vote yesterday. We went to the same elementary school and always went home together using the same car. Back then she was my best friend. Sometimes we held each other hand while walking. I'm the smart and quiet type. She is the pretty and friendly type. After graduating elementary school, we never goes to the same school ever again. I once played to her house, telling stories about each other school. But after that, I don't think I remember ever met her again, until yesterday. Somehow I feel glad meeting her again. It makes me realised, I miss her haha. We are not as close as we used to, but we are still friends anyway. Oh there are other girl who used to be my (our) best friend too. She is the sweet and trendy type. But her stories are for other time to tell.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Expectation is dangerous

That's what I learn lately. Just read news about SS501's leader Kim Hyun Joong said that he's not confident about the group reunification. All in all, as fans we really shouldn't expect much eh. I mean, even closest people to us, cannot always meet our expectation. Idol, well, is basically a stranger. We are just fans. So it's not right if putting so much hope on stranger.
It's kinda convince me, that the only person I can trust is me. Should not put too much expectation on others. As little as possible, so I will not be so disappointed when it can't be fulfilled. So if I expect wrongly, there won't be much damage inflicted on me and others.
Something too much is not good. Even if it's good things like love, hope, trust, kindness, etc, if too much of them it won't do any good.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Honestly I no longer has that *much* interest to kpop, especially for groups who makes their debut after 2012. Even groups who debut at 2012, I probably only went as far "oh they released a new song" and watch the MV. If I like the song I'll download it, if not, well enough then. I prefer identify myself Korean pop culture enthusiast(?). Why?
First, I listen to their music, yeah, not all though. I only have one fandom and that is Triple S, for SS501. Yeah they are not popular currently, because they are in hiatus. They were quite popular back then, on par with DBSK (as 5). As for DBSK/TVXQ-JYJ, CN BLUE, KARA (I have their CDs, my sis like Yunho and yeah a Cassiopeia too I think), I'm not in their fandom, just liking them a bit more than other groups, still less than SS501. Plus whenever they perform, I also pay attention to the dance moves and dancers.
Second,  I still watch k-drama, the viral one or the one who got my idols(?) starred in it. Even the currently airing dramas which starred by Yuchun (3 Days) and Hyunjoong (Inspiring Generation), I'm not really watching them, just my sis blabbing the stories after she watched them.
Third, I watch Korean TV shows too, Running Man and KBS' shows. My TV has KBS World so I watch it sometimes, much better than local soap operas and kinda tired watching those detective serials on FOX. Gag Concert are funny, though sometimes they use Korean jokes that I can't comprehend.
Fourth, I watch Korean movie. They has several quite good movies. You gotta watch Old Boy, it's so angst and I really think the scriptwriter is sadist.
Last, I gotta admit they have quite good fashion sense. And good cosmetics. (I still prefer The Body Shop though). And high end gadgets. (Samsung is cool, but again, I prefer Sony).

You probably wonder if those 5 points are not much haha. Because I don't tweet much about them anymore, only tweet after watching/listening something. I don't 'kya' often, and no longer regard my bias as my husband or boyfriends. I don't get broken hearted when their dating or marriage news surface, I always think that's good for them, means they have a little bit of normal life.  There are several people who are still like that in my timeline, so from what I see, I'm not that much interested.

As for Arashi, it's tiring keeping up for a group who has their own show 3/4 times a week, not to mention individual dramas if there are any, plus their single as that drama soundtrack, a full album once a year, and by the end of the year as Kohaku Uta Gassen MC. Ah also commercials, countless. Concert tours, 1-2 every year, awesome concerts though, they put great effects. So yeah it's getting tiring and a little boring, same pattern every year. If the drama is good I'll watch though. Also the PVs, but not right away after it's released.

As for 48 (AKB and JKT), I'm not wota. I just happen to like several of AKB's old songs and know several members. Yeah I did watch JKT's shows but again, I only know several members. I pay attention to them becuase they are  AKB's sister group and I found it's quite interesting to have such group in this country xD.

So yeah, it's not so important post but kinda want to talk about it. Idoling is a place to be delusional and quite effective in managing stress (for me).
Kkeut, bye.


I desperately (okay that's exaggeration) need money. Running Man and 2NE1 coming to my country and though I have decreased interest towards kpop, I can't really ignore them.

There's Asian Dream Cup by JS Foundation going to be held so there will be a charity football match and like two previous years, Running Man is participating. Last year was Patrice Evra as guest, I wonder who will it be this year. Another Manchester United player or kpop idol? There's also a possibility that RM won't do any mission and game here, just playing football, so yeah I decide to watch. I kinda want to stalk because my experience told me possible hotels and places they'll visit here but it will be hard since I don't drive on my own. Ah I have prediction of possible places if they are about to do any mission here. Nope, not gonna post it here, too dangerous if people flock that place, I want to see them at peace :p. Actually I've seen Jihyo and Jongkook when the presented award at MAMA 2013 but hey it was far and formal and no fun, not RM, different feeling.

As for 2NE1, after 2 cancelled events, they are finally come, so.... yay. (Sorry if I don't sound that happy haha). Zahra is a Blackjack and she begged me to accompany her to watch, and she is also one of the people I can't refuse so.... yeah, I'm gonna spend money on them. I've heard 2NE1 performed at MAMA 2013 actually, but I can't see them because of the properties they used on stage. Plus it was slow tempo songs, not fun like the usual 2NE1. I want to see more.

To think I'm gonna spend money on something that was not I most like is............... but I'm gonna spend them anyway haha-_- It's kinda makes me regret went to Pangandaran, or else I'll still have 600K in my account haha-.- Though that much money was optimized in vacation but still...............

Should I just marry an oil king or heir of multinational company or .................whatever. Just kidding xD
I haven't even done with my love pfft
There are many things that I shouldn't have done but I don't want to live with regret so........ let things flow.

Oh I have enough money actually. I just can't stand the thought that I'll be almost bankrupt after I bought the tickets xD

I think it's kinda related, but if my expense for CD and concerts are combined.. nah don't ask me but it will be quite a lot. There are things I buy on impulse and not gonna buy more from those groups.

Pangandaran March 14-17

So it's kinda late post, yeah. Things come up (like having a fight with ex and stuff) which made me sorts of unwilling to write this post, but here I am anyway. It will be a short post though, since we didn't do much, spent many hours of driving and getting lost.

March 14
Yogi's house was the starting point, we left at 11 PM.

March 15
Stopped by at rest area at around 1 or 2 AM. Ate a little (PopMie for me) and continuing journey. We (or should I say Yogi, as he is the driver) followed the direction told by Siri (yeah that iPhone girl one) and going through very dark and uneven roads. In the morning stopped by to pray, also stop by to eat porridge as breakfast (which tasted yuckkkks). Arrived at Green Canyon at.... 10 AM? I forgot. They said the water level was high because of the rain so we couldn't do body rafting. Continuing journey to Pangandaran, found a very cheap hotel. 450K for a night in a big room with 3 bed. Got breakfast for 6 person. There was also hot water and air-con. So we bath and went out. After not satisfying lunch we went to see beach with white sands and the national park(?) also has caves. Actually can do snorkeling there but we didn't bring spare clothes so we just played a bit. I took two shells, one of them is pink but seems has no effect in my love life lol (I read too much shoujo manga, it's just myth after all pffft). Then we went back and bath again and by night we are having dinner in seafood restaurant nearby. Around 300K for 7 people with 5 different dishes.

March 16
Bath. Breakfast. Check out. Going to Green Canyon again to do body rafting. The water was not green yet (rain effect), but we do it anyway. It was really fun. I jumped off twice (from 3m and 6m high), told Yogi to jump first though haha. The rest can't swim, and the water current is quite strong (the men who guide us said that was weak but we're not used to it so..). Suci and Betty cried lol. There's an awkward moment though, when we finished body rafting. So we had to use 2 boats to get to the front. While waiting for my boat with Betty and Irvan, she said to Irvan "Kok kamu ga lompat kayak Cae. Cae aja berani." and I was there and silenced and Irvan changed the subject lol. Good thing the boat arrived shortly after. After body rafting we supposed to leave to Garut and spend the night there but we took too long to finish the course (5 hours, it supposed to be 3-4 hours) and it's almost night. So we went to Batu Karas, another beach, near Green Canyon. For hotel, we spent 325K/night/room and we book 3 rooms. Not expensive actually, but for a fresh-graduate who don't have much money, it was quite much. Apparently that beach has high waves so many foreigners went there to surf. There is also a surfing lesson offered, but I don't know how much, would like to try if I have chance to go there again. Eat at another seafood restaurant, the price is around the same.

March 17
Trying to catch the sunrise but there's fog, so it wasn't clear. The beach is clean and many little crabs going around. After breakfast we check out. Going to Garut by trying to find a good road but end up taking a further route. Found out the river we used for body raft already green but of course, not doing it again. Body rafting was so exhausting, we felt all of our body is aching. Can't stand up from sitting without saying 'ouch' haha. So at Garut, stopped by to buy chocolates (not me) and ate at Sundanese restaurant. Then we went home, but trapped with flood on our way to highway so we have to go around and stuff. Finally arrived at Yogi's at 12AM. Too late to go back so we spent the night there, going home/work by next morning.

Not as short as I thought eh. Pardon my grammar u.u;;;

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Chatty again

Whenever I'm sick I'll be more talkative than usual. I'm not really sick actually but I think lovesick counts. It's kinda frustrating actually. Because the one that I want to talk the most is not talking to me and I'm alone in the house. And really not in solitude mode. There's my sister but her interest and mine is definitely not the same. (I don't have much interest in kpop and drama lately). And my friends are busy. And the not busy one, I don't know what to talk to them, since we are not close. So...... bored. Lonely. Frustrated. I would like to just get over it but well, uh, kinda hard. I was quite sane this noon, working on TKD problem. Then I have several numbers that I got stuck.. Then I don't know who to ask except the one who is not talking to me. So after contemplating, I decided not to ask. Now is the delusional time. Wee hour until morning is crazy time. Hmm yeah quite weird. Oh why wee hour is crazy time though I rarely sleep late? Because I don't sleep well. I woke up several time until my morning alarm rang. Uh now I'm hungry. My fault for skipping lunch though. Uh I really have to learn more about patience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My opinion

I know my opinion does not matter. Or never matter. but I want to speak up a little more than usual. Because I'm in somewhat chatty(?) mood.

I'm not a religious person. I don't even have a dream to do pilgrimage. Those 5 times a day praying time, I do all of that just because I feel somewhat weird if not doing it intentionally, because it has become a habit. I only like the wudhu part before (touching water in hot day is cooling my body) and doa part after the pray itself. I don't like reading Quran, because even after reading the meaning and thinks about it, it's just absurd. I can't comprehend. I don't like a verse saying that we are not allowed to have non-Moslem friends. One of my best-friends is Catholic and I love her. She even asked when will I wear hijab lol. I don't like the current trend of Islam who enrage about the littlest thing that they think is a form of insult. I don't like how a local Islam-based party campaigning that choosing them will be guaranteed to enter heaven. What. The. Fuck. You are not God. Why the heck you are so sure that we'll be in heaven for choosing you while we know you are corrupt? While we know you did many intolerant things, insulting many people, and hypocrite. I don't like a local Islam-based organization, who are shutting down a church just because they think it's an act of Christianization. If you fear your people will change their faith, why don't you strengthen their faith instead. All I know if we want to be respected, we have to respect others. I hate the fact that "Noah" movie is banned because its story is Biblical not Quran-based. Seriously I want to see Emma Watson in cinema, not laptop. I don't know why it turns to this way, Islam was kind back then. Like, 10 years ago? Moslems were not making a fuss about things that not in parallel with their faith.

About politics. I don't like it either, because I know none of them purely working for the citizen. That most of politicians trying to gain things only to fulfill their group greed, not for the greater good of people. But recently there people who works sincerely to make improve this country in many aspects. For the sake of those people, I will use my right to choose, so there will be more people like them sit in parliament and ministries. So this country which is kinda in the verge of collapsing can stand again, and a good place to live in.

I like reading, especially quoting things from what I read. Then I read a quote, that those quotes we like are not describing the book. Those quotes describe us.

PS: You open my mind, you know that? I kinda wish I could be as outspoken as you about injustice, intolerance, etc. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dorothy Law Notle poem

I grew up reading these poem, translated one in Indonesian. I don't know where my parents got it, it was hanging on the wall in a big frame. They don't really apply it to me I think lol, but seems I learn how to behave myself. Maybe it's a part that shape my current personality? Who knows.

If a child lives with criticism,
he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
he learns to fight.
If a child lives with fear,
he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with pity,
he learns to feel sorry for himself.
If a child lives with ridicule,
he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with jealousy,
he learns what envy is.
If a child lives with shame,
he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with encouragement,
he learns to be confident.
If a child lives with tolerance,
he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with praise,
he learns to be appreciative.
If a child lives with acceptance,
he learns to love.
If a child lives with approval,
he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with recognition,
he learns that it is good to have a goal.
If a child lives with sharing,
he learns about generosity.
If a child lives with honesty and fairness,
he learns what truth and justice are.
If a child lives with security,
he learns to have faith in himself and in those about him.
If a child lives with friendliness,
he learns that the world is a nice place in which to live.
If you live with serenity,
your child will live with peace of mind.
With what is your child living?

I myself don't have a child yet, of course haha. But I think I'll apply this to my future children.

My parents............. hmm I never talk about them, rarely. I don't know if I've said it when I was a kid, but I think I never say I love them. They force me to do things, even now. Maybe that's why I lack of sincerity. My opinion never matter much. Yeah I got to speak up but well that's it. They never change their attitude to me. So when they got angry to me, I never take it to heart. I don't care much about what they say. Why should I, they don't care about what I said either. "Go do that, or else your mom/dad will be mad". When I got mad they don't care anyway, why should I care if they mad? Nah don't give comment like 'you should be grateful, they've take a good care of you till you grow up' ans so on. I think those are their responsibility, and I do grateful.   

Monday, March 3, 2014


(dark) February has passed, so be cheerful! Your friend is getting married, several has birthdays and you'll go on a trip!

Or no. There's TKD try out test on 17. I miss hanging out with friends, doing almost nothing in 2 weeks makes me feel trapped, stuffy. Makes me having all those negative thoughts again. Actually I don't really need to go to other city or such, watching a movie or just walking around a mall will do. Yeah I know I did that last month but there are several other friends I want to meet. Geez I'm bored.

Well I tried pilates this morning. For a 30 minutes exercise it was quite tiring, makes me feel extra hungry.

I am perfectly fine. I don't need to go to doctors, eat medicines, or got a USG. Hah.

Seriously I don't have to be jealous towards such thing right? Such a shallow thought C, you are so superficial.

Frozen's 'Let It Go' won Oscar for Best OST. Makes me want to watch it, gonna search for its torrent after this.

Stuck at home means doing chores and makes me feel like a maid. Maybe because I'm not sincere in doing those lol. How to grow my sincerity? Pft.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nuri Safarina

Nuri Safarina, or nicknamed Nue, is a friend of mine. We lived in the same all-girl  boarding house for two years until the house caught in fire in 2012. In that boarding house there were 8 first years(when we came in). After the fire, 8 of us actually want to stay in the same house again, but we can't find a house that can accomodate of us all. So we went each on our own way, but still in contact especially if one of us' birthday coming up.  This is the photo of us, from back in 2012. 

Nue is the long haired girl in red

Somehow it's hard to get all of us together after the fire. The last time we are in full team was on August 24, Nue's birthday last year. There are photos actually, but in Kak Yougi's (Nue's boyfriend) camera and weren't uploaded. Even in our graduation there's only 7 of us, since Paci decided not to attend. 

On the night of January 29, 2014, she got an accident, suddenly fell from the motorcycle on her way back to Bintaro with her boyfriend. I only know about the accident in January 30 morning, because Kak Yougi is tweeting from Nue's twitter. Arum and I went to visit her on RSPP that night, but visiting hour was over already so we only talk to her mom. Her brain got internal bleeding, so she was unconscious. A week later, because Arum and I worked in the same building we went there again, finally got to see her. Still unconscious, in comma state. We also met Manda. She and her mom said the day before Nue was gaining consciousness and recognizing people around her. After that, her condition suddenly dropped into comma. Arum and I visit her again on February 18 night (which is Manda's birthday). Then on February 19 noon I made a post in this blog before this. By the night I got news that she passed away.

Life is short eh? She was just 21.There are several plans that pisokers (our group of 8's name) haven't able to accomplish. Once we went to Bogor, staying over at Vindy's house. But Nue couldn't join because she has to meet her advisor for her final assignment. It's as if she got her way of revenge because we left her at that time. Then we promised to go to Bandung to compensate for leaving her to Bogor, staying over at her house. Well, we did go to Bandung, visiting her house and final resting place. Life is irony after all..... Ah, we also haven't took our photo together in photo studio. Now I think the 7 of us won't do. it will feel different, awkward, sad. From her death day on, my birthday (January 31) and Manda's won't ever be the same. 

It's only been a week, but I miss her. She is really lively, full of spirit. When you sad, she'll cheer you up and bring back your good mood. She has unique and loud laugh, the kind that will make you laugh too. She is pretty, dilligent, and friendly. One of the best of friend you can get. I still remember on one occassion she and Arum suddenly got into my room, bringing laptop, making me watch horror movie with them. I hate horrors, but she insisted and even turning off the room light. So each of us hugging pillow, and watch. The movie was Shutter (Thailand version). 

There are many moments with her, I can't possibly writing them all. But pretty Nuri, I'll remember those all, with a smile (and tears probably haha). As many said, the world is ugly and you deserve heaven. May God washed away your sins and accepting all your good deeds. May you rest in peace in the best place God gave you.

(don't be sad Paci for not in this picture :p)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

In between

It's been almost 3 weeks since Nue's accident. I guess my birthday's (and Manda's) will never be the same. Last night Arum and I visited her for the 3rd time. She looked so thin. There are lots of mark of needles in her arms. Her mom said if her time comes, we should be prepared. I really want to rebut her, but she looks so tired. Nue's mom might look strong in the outside, but who knows in the inside. Kak Yougi too looks tired. It must be very traumatic for him.

Seems such accident is common recently. My mom's friend has a neighbor who is also in critical condition because of similar accident. We should be more careful eh.....

Last night when we visited Nue there are also a couple, friends of Kak Yougi. From the way they pray, tehy are Christian. As I saw them praying near Nue, there's also a record of someone reading Quran playing. Seeing such scene, somehow I feel peaceful. Nue, everyone is praying for you. Even the people who don't know you personally are hoping that you are healthy again. Whatever way people use for praying, there's only one God. I know He listens to our prayer, and He will answer it in the best way according to Him.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


It might be the only post for this month? Saking ga ada apa-apanya hidup gw hahaha. Senin besok hari magang terakhir, agak bingung pamitannya gimana. Can I just leave begitu saja? hahahaha. Saking ga mau attachednya nomer hape pun cuma punya nomernya Mbak Uti. Kayaknya dia bakal paling jadi yang ngangenin selama magang ini, abisan absurd banget hahahaha. Cepet nikah ya mbak, biar suaminya hepi ketawa tiap hari ngeliat kelakuanmu *tumben banget ini gw*. Setelah itu kembali nganggur, errr udah bikin plan mau ngapa-ngapainnya sih, semoga bukan sekedar wacana *jangan mager makanya C!* Hmmm yaudah aja kali ya, gatau mau nulis apa. Smile C! :) :) :)

Friday, January 31, 2014


Yep this post is the 300th post in my blog, sengaja ditahan2 ga ngeblog biar barengan sama 20th birthday. Ugh 20, sounds old eh? haha. Terus sekarang malah bingung mau nulis apa. 20, means allowed to drink alcohol in Japan. Tapi disini kudu nunggu 21 lalala~ Kinda hope for today will be somewhat special tapi kayaknya yaudah hari libur tanggal merah biasa. Ohya, pas imlek ini, tahun kuda. Hmm yaudah kebiasa juga sih jadi 'biasa', nohing special lol. Sounds pitiful? Oh no don't be lol. Uh danger makin ngalor ngidul ga jelas. Yaudah deh gitu aja kali yak. Sisa hari ini masih ada 9 jam 14 menit, maybe there'll be something special later, tapi ya ga ngarep amat, biar kecewanya juga ga amat.
Well, happy birthday to me! Semoga semakin dewasa dalam segala hal, semakin sabar, jangan sering ngomong 'fak-syit' kalo apa-apa, semakin positif pikirannya, semakin.. apalagi ya jeleknya gw? haha. Enough then. Ciao!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The 20 before 20

Hari yang gabut, seperti biasa. Sempet kepikiran untuk bolos sih karena kemaren Stasiun Tanah Abang banjir dan ga fungsi, tapi ternyata hari ini udah normal lagi. Gabut itu....... ga enak. Jadi bengong mikirin macem-macem, yang maybe sebenernya ga perlu dipikirin. Dan kalo ga ngapa-ngapain ga bisa kayak di rumah, tidur-tiduran or maybe tetiba rajin nyapu ngepel *agak mustahil* *plak*. Ga ada temen ngobrolnya pula karena sekeliling pada ada kerjaan. Terus tadi nama gw diminta buat dimasukin kata pengantar di skripsi temen magang kyah *norak*. Sebelomnya(read: Laporan PKL) ga ada yang nyebutin nama gw kayaknya hahahaha #yaudahsih. Selamat bergelar S.E. ya bro! Kalo tunangan lo naik pangkat jadi mempelai undang gw ye xD. Huft sepertinya giliran gw nyekripsi masih lama. Semoga aja future bos gw bisa dirayu buat ngasih ijin sekolah segera :p Ulalalaaaa bahkan gatau mau nulis apalagi. Yaudah babay dudududu~

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Vacuum cleaner

It's been 2 weeks since my last post. Well, I don't really have anything to write about.... In the span of 2 weeks 2 orang temen magang gw sidang, yang satu skripsi yang satu laporan magang. Dua-duanya lulus, yey! Congrats! Jakarta mulai masuk musim banjir lagi, tapi kalau diliat-liat peta banjirnya udah berkurang jauh dari 2013, all hail duet Jokowi-Ahok~ Kinda remind me of last year, nyaris ga bisa berangkat kampus padahal UAS. Jadilah dateng telat. Untung 'cuma' pilihan ganda, kelarnya pun tetep sebelum waktu abis fufufu~ Kemaren ini adek gw nontonin Reply 1994, terus jadi nimbrungin. Agak kecewa Na-jeong jadinya sama si Oppa, kasian Chil Bongnya. Yaudah Chil Bong buat gw aja, eh viewers maksudnya. Terus karena background lokasinya kosan, jadi kangen kosan. Walau kosan gw ibu kosnya ga kayak di drama itu, tapi orang-orangnya n suasananya bikin kangen :" Plus ga mungkin cinlok haha. I supposedly wrote Industry Overview for this TP doc tapi bener-bener ga ada ide buat nulisnya orz. 'K,thx,bye.

Ohya judul postnya maksudnya biar ngebersihin debu dua minggu ini blog nganggur haha.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Kaleidoscope

Tetiba inget tahun baru 2013 mau bikin kaleidoskpnya 2012 tapi ga jadi hahaha yaudahlah yaa. Sebenernya ga terlalu penting juga bikin kaleidoskop, berhubung nyaris tiap ada apa-apa gw tulis. 2013 gave me a lot.
Teman, kenalan, pacar, mantan(?), atasan. Seneng, sedih, bete, marah, surprised, puas, sakit, hoki, sial, nyesel. Komplit kayaknya. 2014 ini semoga lebih banyak yang bagus-bagsunya deh ya daripada yang jeleknya~