Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Dunno why but got this feeling last night. My hang-out friends now have their own(?) partner, makes us no longer hanging out together. Makes me feel being left haha. When I think a bit more, I know I'll be like them if I'm in their position. So I hate myself to have such thought/feeling.


Friday, June 7, 2013


I had(?) a cousin. She is way older than me, 30 something or so. Petite body, white skin, pretty, and smart too. She has high position in her job. She was dating a man, unemployed. My cousin was Moslem and her boyfriend is Christian. She was scolded by her family, they told her to break up with him. Then she acted like she broke up already........ while actually she didn't. She kept dating him secretly. Earlier this year, she asked her father to be allowed to marry him. Of course, her father gave a big no. Then she ran away from her home. After 2 weeks... (or a month, I didn't remember) she returned, bringing her boyfriend, and sungkem with her father. At that moment, coincidentally her uncles were also there. He asked her why she did sungkem with her dad and what's her religion. She answered Christian. Then it's revealed that they married and she changed her faith already. Immediately, her uncle declared she was no longer part of the family, not allowed to visit her mother's tomb and chased her out. She left, voluntarily, not bringing any of her things, without any expression.

So......... basically that story was a prologue to my opinion towards this matter. Religion is something sensitive right? It affects your life, wholly. In my view, she prepared this for a long time. 'No expression' means she is resolved, and she's not going to show any weakness by crying. She already predicted about what's going to happened and prepared her heart. I pity her father of course. But I pity her too. I feel sad because I lost a family. But I think your choice of faith is part of human rights. It's even protected by the law and it's on Undang-Undang Dasar. Traditionally, your religion is something which go down from your ancestors. through generation in your family. So, if someone change his/her faith, it's almost sure that they will be exiled by their family.

Me? Well, I'm not interested in changing mine. Though I can't say that I'm a good Moslem (heck I even want to try those vodka, martini and their friends! Controlling myself not to is quite an effort), I did my best... well okay not my best yet, to follow all the do's and don'ts. I don't know which religion is right, since each of them definitely say "I'm the right one". But since I don't understand well about my current religion, I can't judge "it doesn't suit me" or "other religion is better". I don't understand what's in front of me yet, so I don't have the confidence to reach other things and learn about them thoroughly. Oh I know a little about Christian, Catholic (and major difference between both), Buddha and Hindu. I have good friends from each one (bless my highschool and my classmates there). Even so, we live in harmony. Sometimes they reminds me to pray hahaha. Even Thya once asked me when will I wear hijab since my other friends are starting to wear it (speechless).

Well whatever yours is, do your best to follow it, respect others' and the choices they make.
Don't forget, always keep the faith!
(I sound like a Cassie haha)

(PS: actually want to write this since months ago)

Monday, June 3, 2013


The things I feared the most are:
1. God
2. Cockroach
3. Bad score
Well yeah I got that 'Hermione-trait' a bit. My GPA is off target, way too low than what I expected. I know I'm not that smart nor dilligent. But this term GPA is way too low for my standard. Can I cry? No? Too late, cried already pffffttt.
Call me drama queen or whatever but this is my 2nd time crying over my bad score. ARGH I HATE MYSELF T.T
dammit my inferiority complex strikes shiiiiiittt