Friday, May 31, 2013


1. addicted to:
-Love Somebody by Maroon 5, since last week. First when Adam and his band performed it in The Voice
-Gara-gara Kahitna by Project Pop, ga addict banget sih, tapi radio lagi sering muter lagu itu yaudah demen aja dengernya. tapi emang gw lumayan demen lagu-lagu mereka sih, catchy lyrics
-playing Candy Crush Saga, pertama di fb, sekarang sampe donlot yang di hape, padahal levelnya sama aja
-Gag Concert, omg they are sooo funny!! Four Men and The Animals are my favorite. Discoveries in Life become more interesting since Kim Giri and Shin Bora are dating.
-The Voice S4, too bad my favorite in Team Usher was eliminated already (Josiah!). Really like Adam Levine's weirdness and Usher's eye-smile there.

2. ngerjain outline, or I suppose to work on it. tapi.....niatnya.....-_-

3. mager (eh itu mah selalu ya)

4. haven't watch The Great Gatsby. dan akhirnya nonton Fast and Furious 6.

Last Morning of May (of this year)

I don't know what to write but seems like there's so much in my head.
21 days left till PKL. June, July, August then graduation.
Dunno how many times I've felt like this but: time flies fast.
"If you're thinking to stop, think again the reason why you've been going so far."
I might fall into hell, I've done this one of seven deadly sins too much: envy.
Should be more grateful to God.
But I do envy those shoujo manga heroines, they are all courageous (hey seems I've write this before)
"Unrequited love is tiring, but love needs no reason." but this quote can't relate to the one above eh?
'kay thanks (for reading, if there's any) bye~

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Blog ini jadi lebih kayak catatan harian yak, bukan fangirl's blog. Eh tapi gw tetep fangirl kok._.
Saat ini gw ada di kosan Ulfah, nginep. Kenapa nginep? Ga kenapa-kenapa sih. Tadinya mau pergi LDK IMP ke Puncak, berangkat Rabu 00.00 , pulang Kamis 18.00. But suddenly, koordinator dosbing gw bilang dosbingnya minta ketemu Kamis, nyamper ke KPP. After a moment of hesitation (ga a moment juga sih), plus dikasih saran sama Dite, I decide to not going to Puncak. Terus bawaannya yang baju dll gitu? Nah itu, feels like so wasted. Yaudah deh dengan sedikit ngeles ke nyokap, akhirnya diperbolehkan nginep fufufu. Sebenernya gw masih bisa pulang semalem itu, tapi mager, plus ya itu, baju-baju seransel berasa sia-sia. Nginep kan jadi kepake bajunya lalala~
Also I'll meet my new friends yang sebapak dosbing this 10AM. Semoga anaknya asik-asik lah ya.

Another thing, semalem Triple S are sooooooo happy because we can see that Kyujong, Hyungjun and Jungmin are together XDD all of them tweeted the photo they took together. HyunSaeng are busy, too bad :|

Saturday, May 18, 2013


I started today with a wrong move: I over think about something that shouldn't be thought about. Okay, whatever. It's day 4 of holiday? Well, no, stand-by time (?) to be precise. I already ran out of option about what should I do. But this laptop finally will be re-installed, yay! I can watch movies and videos and play games again after that. Then mom said that me and my sis should learn to cook, since we have so much free time. Hmm I'll consider it.
Anyway I recently watched Star Trek: Into the Darkness. AWESOME! At first, I watched only to see Benedict Cumberbatch. Me and my friend went 'kyaaaaa' silently when his voice first appeared. It's the first time I watched a Hollywood movie because of the actor, not its story line. Though Benedict Cumberbatch acted as the villain, he's just evilly cool. Of course, he's defeated by the protagonist and that's how film ended. Nice story line, really. Next movie to watch is Fast and Furious 6! I've been watching this since the first installment but never got bored of it. Those speeding sport cars are sexy hahaha.
I would like to add more random things. Somehow lately my male friends has been telling me their love problems. Guys, sorry but I think I am unqualified to give you any advice. But hope you find your right one and invite me to your wedding lah ;)
'Kay bye!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Lately, tidur gw selalu ada mimpinya. And weirdly, I can remember that dream. Well, those dreams were absurd enough to remember.
1. Mimpi lagi makan daging, eh  gigi rontok semua tapi bisa ditempel lagi.
2. Mimpi makan daging kelinci yang mana dipanggang gitu. Kelincinya putih, masih utuh tubuhnya dan masih ada bulunya. Kalo di real life, gw ga bakal makan kelinci, gegara kasian n kebayang kelinci kan unyu gitu....
3. Mimpi nyari-nyari atm BNI di sebuah mall gara2 gw udah telanjur mesen sesuatu sama temen SMA gw (orangnya nongol di mimpi). Terus gw harus bayar dia cash tapi not enough money in my wallet. Yang konyolnya pas mencet turun di lift malah lantainya yang turun. Padahal pas naik ke atas pake lift ya liftnya yang gerak.
Those are my weird dreams lately. Semoga aja itu tanda-tanda UAS gw akan sukses /ganyambung/ amin!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Last class

Kuliah terakhir gw di STAN adalah Pajak Internasional, oleh dosen legendarisnya anak pajak: Mr. R, di J102. And that room, seems would be my last classroom in D3, because it's also my last exam's room. Pas mendekati akhir kuliah itu, gw tau-tau inget, kalo ruang kelas yang pertama kali gw masukin (bukan pas daftar ulang yak) itu E104. Perkenalan sama anak-anak, dimana yang cowok masih pada botak and that makes me so hard to remember their names. Terus pas jalan pulang ke angkot, tau-tau ya keinget gitu aja selama 3 tahun terakhir ini. I even walk slowly and just feel like crying. Even when writing this I feel like crying hahahaha. Okay back to topic.
This past three years I learnt a lot. Kuliah dan life lesson. I have fun a lot. Too much maybe lol. I still remember my 17th and 18th birthday. Pas awal masuk pada kaget pas tau gw 1994 birth. Komennya "Demi apa lo bahkan belom 17?!?" Terus komen orang sekarang adalah "Demi apa lo belom 20?!?" haha. 

Ga ngikutin, gegara males. Ngerasa cuma dikerjain dan disuruh ngerjain things unrelated to perkuliahan, dan ospek FKG itu masih jauh lebih nyeremin dan hal-hal yang disuruh dikerjain itu berguna. Terus nangis di malem pertama ngekos, gegara ditelpon nenek gw. Seriusan. Oh don't laugh at me.
Tingkat 1. (1-D)
Nilai UTS pertama gw, Pengantar Akuntansi. 88. Keren kan? Tapi setelah itu, accounting was really hard, I never reach that score again-_-. 17th birthday, traktir beberapa orang yang cees di kelas sama gw di PH (sponsored by my mom definitely) Traktir anak kosan juga. Pergi ke WS, SS, badminton, nonton futsal. Awal dimana Thya ngira Yogi cowok gw cuma gegara didatengin ke kosan pas mau hedon bareng anak kelas-.- (Things clarified, we're not and never date each other hahahaha). Di semester 2 nya ada makrab, ke Puncak. Kesana nyusul dianter bokap gegara gw ada les Jepang paginya. Pas tingkat 1 sempet mikir "These things, will go by quickly, and then we'll be on our senior year in just a blink." Ya emang cepet banget ya.......
Tingkat 2. (2-E)
Pertamanya sih mikir, kenapa sekelas sama mereka. Kok kayaknya seruan tingkat sebelumnya... (biasa sindrom kelas baru). Untungnya sih sekelas sama Yogi dan Irvan, temen segeng (?) ngehedon. Jadinya yaudah asik asik aja. Eh malah anak kelas ini lebih kongkow dan hedon dari kelas sebelomnya. Nonton dan karaokean bisa sebulan sekali hahaha. Nongkrong di lawson lah, sevel lah, nongkrong n ngegosip pokoknya. Eiya, masih inget pas Yogi kepilih jadi ketua kelas malah gw ketawain, really not sure kelas bakal berjalan lancar. Tapi ya ternyata lancar aja, makrab pun juga oke aja. Ke Anyer. Walau vilanya rada errrrr...... ya asik lah tetep. Gw keukeuh minta bus AC haha maap ye, bisa mabok gw kalo jalan kayak gitu tapi ga AC/ Tingkat dua ini dimana game truth or truth merajalela, menumbuhkan bibit gosip dan kepo di dalam tiap anggotanya (plis ce kesambet apa bahasa lebay gitu). Ada yang cinlok pula (cieee IndRio). Terus di akhir semester 4 jadi agak aktif gitu, ngikut Starfal jadi sie dekor (close recruitment sih gegara Vindy a.k.a Menye) dan daftar IMP n ITF. I can say that my sophomore year is my peak.
Tingkat 3. (3-B)
Nah dari sini mulai pulang pergi. Gara-gara kosan kebakaran. terus nyari kosan yang bisa ber8 lagi ga nemu. Yaudah deh, males, pulang pergi aja sekalian. Awalnya sih capek banget, apalagi kalo di hari itu ada Komputer Audit. Udah kuliah sampe sore, ada rapat, bawa-bawa laptop pula. Makes my moody self even worse, sorry for the victims. Tapi lama-lama ya enjoy aja lah. Terus sindrom kelas barunya beneran jadi nyata. Anak-anak kelas....... asik sih, individually. Tapi ya gitu. Ga kompak-kompak amat. Ga hedon dan nongkrong banget kayak pas tingkat 2. Ujung-ujungnya kalo ngehedon ya perginya sama anak 2E lagi, atau nimbrungin kelasnya Thya, atau sama Menye. Tapi paling banyak photo session ya tingkat 3 ini. Foto BA sama foto buku pak Yosep. Bahkan pas foto buku pak Yosep sampe dimake-upin dan dicatokin marcha dan minjem wedgesnya Thya yang 11cm. Tapi hasil fotonya gw dibilang kayak emak-emak sama Frans-_- Ohya gw sampe ikutan bikin kaos futsal kelas, gegara pas tingkat2 sebelumnya ga ada barang kelas gitu. Makrab pun ga jadi. Semoga aja ini quality time setelah UASnya jadi. Di tingkat 3 ini juga sibuk ITF, walau gw rada gabut....... Cerita lengkapnya silahkan kepoin post gw sebelum2nya. 
Life lesson.
Ya organisasi. Gimana rasanya mengurus sesuatu itu... ya begitulah. Terus relationship with other people. Gimana sabar tiap kali roaming orang ngobrol pake bahasa daerah, ketawa-ketawa sendiri. Pengen tau tapi ga ngerti-.-;; Gimana cara ngeinterview orang (Ibu Widya Novita), ngomong sama stranger pas nyesponsorship... Ngegosip... Prejudices. Jealousy. Envy. I even fell in love twice haha. Or was the first one crush only? Dunno, it was more than 4 months clearly. Yeah right there, I can hear your "cieeee". Oh don't ask me for details now. Ask me 10 years later, then I'll tell you gladly while laughing it off. If you feel surprised, better not. I'm introvert whose trying to be more open via this blog. So I really do not tell anyone about what I feel. Kepo me if you want, you'll get nothing anyway and I won't speak up. Kalo temen-temen gw ada yang jadian, putus, diPHP, ngePHP, ditolak, dipedekatein, womanizer, etc laaah. Oh weelllll I learn a lot. 

Yah begitulah kehidupan selama 3 tingkat di STAN. Belom lulus kok, belom UAS, CB, PKL, Laporan PKL, Yudisium. Lalu dirayakan di SPT dan Wisuda. Untuk dua itu gw mau tampil cetar rawr so that my friends won't forget me easily haha. Wait for it!

PS: (ignore this-.-) If anyone who knows me and I know you too, and you'd like to..... comment(?) my blog directly to me, feel free to do so. Ga bakal gw teriakin 'kepo lu!' kok. Eh bakal gw teriakin gitu sih, tapi ya cuma iseng aja :v Whatever I posted is public anyway~ 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

One day left

I just got my usual text message about my class schedule. Turns out that I only have one day left to study in a classroom. After that, I'll only have exams, practical work, and report. Somehow, I feel like crying. Really. Dunno why...... I'm just....... touched? Or feel relieved? Nope, not those. A feeling that said "Now it has come to this". Such kind of feeling. Whatever, I can't even explain it. I just want to cry, with a smile :')
Will post more later, currently focusing on watching The Voice (#TeamUsher!) and it's almost time for MU vs Chelsea~! (#KTBFFH!)