Sunday, March 31, 2013

5 days holiday

The last day off before back to campus tomorrow. But got several things up so I can't laid back (then why the heck you write this post?!?) Ok, I'll get busy after this post, currently still eating my breakfast~

This holiday ends in a flash. The only thing I remember clearly was only Bogor trip last Thursday. Playing in water using t-shirt and shorts was totally uncomfortable, I prefer wearing my swimsuit-.- Also I successfully proving that my phone is water resistant lol. Yeah I put it in my pocket, carrying it everywhere in water park. Actually quite scared it'll gone missing or broken when we were playing but alhamdulillah it's safe haha. 

Another story: the maid who've been working with my family for 10+ years resigned, so now we have to do chores by ourselves. But no sad feeling, since lately she's been slacking off and stuff, really annoyed us. Tomorrow will be the first weekday after she quit so let's see how it will turn out. Oh plus now I hold onto our house spare key yay! I can get home anytime now :p (totally wrong. you're still depending on train schedule).

Oops, I finished my food. Time to work on LPJ and transcript of that interview. Fight-oh!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kemarin-kemarin part 2

9 hari antara hari ini sama yang kemarin-kemarin part 1 gw ngapain aja yak._.

18 Maret
Ulang tahunnya Marcha! Mau nyurprisin eh dianya pergi, gagal deh. Mau wawancara Ibu Kabid PA yang baru, eh si Ibu rapat mendadak. Mundur deh jadi besoknya.

19 Maret
Sebenernya ga ada kuliah di hari ini. Tapi gw tetep ke Bintaro. Gara2nya, wawancara Ibu Kabid PA di atas yang tertunda. Eh tau2 temen sekelompok Pemeriksaan Pajak ngajakin ngerjain tugas. Berhubung gw ogah kalo nugas kelompok di hari libur pake seragam, jadilah bawa di tas. Rempong ye? Emang. Tapi emang prinsip gw kalo ke kampus di hari libur ogah pake seragam haha. Kenapa harus bawa seragam? Ya itu, mau wawancara si Ibu Kabid, kan ga formal banget kalo pake jins masuk sekre. Terus abis itu rencananya mau nyurprisin Marcha. Tapi yang mau disurprisin tidak memberi kepastian (?) posisinya: di Bintaro, apa di rumah. Yaudah, gagal lagi deh. Emang bukan rejeki lo kayaknya, Cha ahaha. Terus jadilah gw ke...... kosan Ulfah. Titip tas, ganti baju dari seragam ke jins lagi, lalu nonton futsal kelas. Futsal hura-hura sih, berhubung udah pasti ga lolos ke babak berikut liga. Eh malah menang lah lol. Ya artinya ga sia-sia gw nonton~ Ohya konyolnya, pas pake seragam itu, sebelum dan sesudah wawancara, gw ketemu banyak temen kelas laen. Kan biasa tuh, kalo gw ngegabut nunggu waktu yang tepat pasti duduk-duduk di CD. Terus yang ketemu gw pasti nanya "Ngapain lo?" Ampun deh dijelasin ribet, yaudah jawabnya ga ngapa-ngapain. Terus selesai wawancara ketemu orang-orang lain lagi, pertanyaannya "Udah selesai (kuliah)?". Again, gamau repot jelasin, yaudah jawabnya udah. Padahal ya ga ada kuliah juga wkwk.
Eiya, transkrip wawancara beloman. Abis UTS ye bos, selasa malem langsung deh gw kerjain ._.v.

22 Maret
Ga ada kuliah juga sebenernya, emang jadwal kosong. Tapi direquest buat nganter proposal. Yaudah deh. Buru-buru ke Bintaro. Eh pas nganter proposal ditolak cuma gara-gara jabatan yang dituju di surat pengantar salah, mesti bikin ulang. Mana jawaban si bapak yang nolakin proposal bikin bete lagi hih! Hufffftttt sabaaaar acaranya sebulan lagi! (>.<)9

23 Maret
Pulsa abis, dipake nyokap nelpon om gw. Sisa 6 perak. Paket internet udah abis. Tapi berhubung belom niat pergi-pergi yaudah gw kalem, make wifi kan di rumah. Nanti aja minta isiinnya. Eh tau-tau mati lampu. Ya wifi mati. Kampret ya emang-_- Yaudah deh brb mandi solat n caw ke PIM, makan Raffel's yang vouchernya nyokap beli online. Makannya di foodcourt, dan berhubung lagi Indonesia vs Arab Saudi yaudah itu rasa nonton bareng gitu lah di food court. Sesuatu banget lah serunya, rame ada yang teriak gitu pas gol dan kebobolan dan saves :") Gw sih penonton kalem, tapi ternyata kalo nonton bola emang seruan rame-rame. Maklum aja ye kalo norak, berhubung biasanya kalo nonton bola di rumah sendirian. Iya, serumah yang isinya 3 cewek (nyokap, adek, gw) dan 1 cowok (bokap) ini yang demen nonton bola cuma gw. Bokap lebih demen ngegame dan nonton film di tv. Pernah sekali nonbar itu bareng om sama alm kakek gw yang dari nyokap, itu pas jaman SD, Piala Dunia 2002. Pokoknya besok-besok kalo bisa nonbar mau banget lah. Nonton langsung Chelsea di GBK harus banget-banget \m/

24 Maret
Eh itu hari ini, bukan kemarin. Agendanya: belajar. Belom kelar belajar malah ngeblog yaampun tobat C, katanya pengen ngerasain cumlaude? *self plak* Yaudah sampe sini dulu. Postingan berikutnya saat/abis liburan kayaknya. Ciao!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kemarin-kemarin part 1

Yak gw lupa mau ngeblog apa. Tapi emang mau bikin postingan pake bahasa Indonesia sih, not in the mood to think much. Sebenernya kemaren udah punya beberapa pikiran yang mau dipost tapi telanjur ngantuk terus dibawa tidur dan......... lupa deh-_-;; Yaudahlah yaaa seinget gw aja.

15 Maret 2013. Itu hari wow banget2. Dimulai dengan bangun jam 3 buat nonton Chelsea (menang yay!) terus gw kuliah Bahasa Indonesia jam 7 sampe jam 11. In the middle of that, I got my monthly period, so hello kram perut. Pas break jumatan jadilah melipir ke kosan temen buat numpang guling-guling tepar dan jadinya skip lunch karena bener2 ga mood makan kalo perut begitu. Lanjut lagi kuliah jam 1 sampe jam 5. Padahal ada rapat jam 4, jadi ya langsung lanjut rapat abs kuliah. Sampe jam 6-6.30an gitu. Begitu sampe rumah itu rasanya ampun capeknya. Bokap nanya 'capek?' pun kayaknya it pertanyaan retoris deh yaaa.

Aduh masih banyak yang mau dipost sebenernya tapi nanti deh ya lagi urgent ngerjain tugas PI, induk kelompok gw lagi pergi lomba jadi ga ada yang ngoordinir. Biasanya sih udah kelar dari kemaren2 ga mepet pagi sebelom hari kuliahnya gini hahaha.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ulalala ignore

Lately, I've been checking my friends' blog. Oh no, I'm not 'kepo'-ing them, blogs are up to be read by public right~ :p What amazed me... that they are quite open in their blog. I mean, they post everything about their daily life and what they feel about certain things or event..... Because I can't. I think I'm too introverted. Since I'm fully aware that blogs are meant to be read by other people, that thought restrain me to post several things. Normal things....which is not visible in my daily personality. Seems I care too much about my image.
Well, at least I'm still me. I never fake my personality, only hid some of them.

PS: Don't mind the title, I always have a hard time making a good one.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


It's been 5 years since I began to like Arashi (and J-Pop) and my 4th year in liking K-Pop. When I first start this fandom thingy, I told myself that maybe I'll only like them for 2-3 years at max, since I got bored so easily. But oh wow, it's been more than I predicted. I got too loyal (?) even buying original CDs and watching concerts. Those 2 things were........ something rare at that time. Anti-mainstream and I like being different so... maybe that's why it captured me. But now, K-Pop is everywhere. Even I got sick seeing those fanfic-novels made by fans and hearing those songs in many places. It's no longer exclusive. I once feel like quitting this thing but ...............well I'm stuck. Once you enter K-Pop too far and too deep, so difficult to find the exit. Though I already limit the artists I like and pay attention to, still too much. I need something which I like more than them. so that I could lower my priority if there's concert and stuff. Currently my fandom is Triple S , fans of SS501. They are on hiatus and each member are going solo, totally money consuming. Then I also like CNBLUE and JYJ/TVXQ much, and I'm also interested in KARA and BoA, and indie bands like Clazziquai and Urban Zakapa. I like BEAST, Infinite, IU, SPICA and A-JAX, but not that much, I can restrain myself from going to their concerts here and only felt a little regret. They are a lot right haha-_- But what should I do, I like their music....-.-
Oh, 10.09 am, got to get ready for class.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I can't really describe how I really am but let's conclude from these personality traits:

  • INTP
  • Blood type B
  • Aquarius
  • Chinese zodiac: between Rooster and Dog
  • Elemental: between Air and Water
  • Sanguine, but my 2nd major trait is Melancholic
Nah, what kind of person am I? Feel free to guess ;)

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Watched Java Jazz for the first time March 1 yay! Exchanged my Sunday tickets with someone so that I could go with my friends. I got to watch Maliq n d'Essentials, Raisa, some-unknown-foreign-musician, Indra Lesmana and RAN. That day was like a "finally" day haha. First, that was because I finally saw Nicholas Saputra for real! XD I saw him when I was queuing to enter the venue. Back in 2010, I (and all the other female freshmen) was kind of fooled, thinking that he'd come in public lecture at freshmen orientation in UI. But he only came out in a pre-recorded video shown and make all of us disappointed haha. Second, finally I can saw Maliq live~ Actually when they released their new album and held free a showcase, me and a friend planned to attend. But we have to canceled it because of the bad weather. So yeah, finally! I wasn't their fans though, just curious. Then RAN was like 'finally' too. Back in my 2nd or 3rd year of junior high, we'd like to invite them for our school anniversary celebration but can't. At that time we don't have enough electricity for sound systems they inquired and it was pricey to rent and such.

Oh I still have another story actually, but my introvert trait forbid me to post. So :( and that's the story~

PS: I'll try to write more. Only 30 posts within a year is unacceptable. This year have to exceed that yeah! Plus seems I need to fix my grammar.....

Friday, March 1, 2013

Throwing out some stuff

I got too much in mind, can't even concentrate in watching 7th Grade Civil Servant. Better pour some of those here first.

Drowning in sadness might be easier than searching for happiness. But hey, life is never easy.

I might not always be honest, but I'm trustworthy, really.

Sorry for not being a perfect friend.

LOL so random XD Okay, that's much better.

For those who wonder why I often write in English, lemme tell you my reason.
One. Such thoughts above, I dislike saying it in Indonesian. It will sound so cheesy and mushy. Just, ewh.
Two. Somehow I feel like I could express more in English.
Three. One of my English teacher said something like "If you want be fluent in English, you have to think in English." Since then I practicing by having fake convos with people in my head using English (weird, eh? well I am~) and thinking in English. That helps a lot. But sometimes I often forgot Indonesian words for several things, especially while having real conversation hahaha


This month........ I don't know what I should expect but hopefully everything will be successful.

March 3 - Java Jazz Festival!
I got 2 free tix by winning a quiz hahahaha such luck rarely happened to me XD. Actually, beside Craig David as special show, I don't know about any other performers. I mean I know their name already, but their songs? Not at all. I'm thinking to sell those tix but hey, this chance is once in a lifetime. I never attend this show before (this show is held annually) because I'm not interested enough to spend my money on it. But I'm really curious about it, so okay I'm attending~ Next problem is.... with whom I should go with? My mom said she wants to go since it's free and such. Then I told her I don't know any of their songs and the event will be spent with lots of walking and standing, so I wonder if she can endure it. If not, that means I'll ask a friend out. But too many friends who wants to go for free-_- If I gave one of them, it'll be unfair for others. Actually I'd like to give it to someone who'll pay me my Craig David tix (to watch him needs additional ticket). That way is much cheaper for s/he to watch this show right? :P Oh and if that friend knows about the performers that would be much better haha. Nah, anyone up for it? :3

March 8 - Public Lecture
I applied to be part of committee who works on this public lecture. I don't know what topic will be given, I could only hope it's interesting enough.

March 9
Indonesian Tax Festival-Preliminary Round
61 teams will be competing with their taxation knowledge. May the best teams go to final!
Music Bank in Jakarta
2PM, Infinite, Sistar, Eru, Teen Top, Super Junior, SHINee, BEAST. Wanna see Infinite, Teen Top, BEAST and Eru, but don't want to spend my money on them, they aren't my biases XD

March 10 - FA Cup Quarter Final Round: Manchester United vs Chelsea

March 25-28 - Last Mid Exam
This last semester only have 6 weeks of studying before exam, gosh why time flies so fast........