Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It's been a reaaaaaally long time since I last blogged. Time flies fast and things change here and there. But that's how life should be right? I already did midterm exam. All I can do is praying that the results will be good., at least good enough to be not dropped out from this college. And now already year-end, means holiday! YAY!

During this time I miss my highschool friends, especially SINGLEs. With them I can talk almost everything, from fashion till soccer, even we could do religion discussion! I'm not saying my classmates now are not fun (they are fun in some ways). Maybe I only have to learn to adjust myself with them^^

Now, holiday! What will I do? I already listed several things I want to do. Wish the list grows and I could do everything I wanted to! Okay. That' it. I still have college this morning. Can't wait for holiday~~! XD

Friday, October 15, 2010

Korea Indonesia Friendship Festival Oct 12, 2010

i wanna write in english but most of my friends would like it in indonesian. lol.
omg, it's been a loooooong time since i last blogged! and now i live alone...sigh. time flies fast..
okay straight to the account~

ini ga gw bilang fan acc juga karena gw bukan fans aka shawol. lol. tapi biar gampang bakal gw label di fan account~. *abaikan* n ini cerita juga berdasarkan pengalaman gw, temen gw n acc orang yang gw baca di internet. biar clear aja gitu ceritanya.. ohya gw bukan pendongeng yang baik jadi bahasa gw ya rada aneh-,-.

Gw n Thya ke Senayan naek trans bintaro, turun di Plasa Senayan pas jam 4an.. Karena gw blom asar jadi gw solat di PS n beli McD juga. Abis beli McD jalan kaki lah kita ke Tennis Indoor Senayan n nyampe di sana sekitar jam 5 lewat atau setangah 6an.. Disana udah rame banget n masih banyak calo yang berkeliaran nawarin tiket outdoor seharga 100rb-___-

Karena kita udah beli McD n tiket outdoornya Thya juga masih di Ayas yang blom dateng, daripada bergabung dengan lautan manusia yang berdiri depan pintu outdoor *yahh bukan pintu juga sih* karena blom dikasih masuk, jadi kita duduk di trotoar deket2 situ n ketemu temen2 gw yang anak 78 laennya~
Trus karena di luar gerah banget kita masuk ke lobi kantor pengelolanya gitu numpang ngadem. n temen gw Diana ngobrol sama orang yang berhasil foto sama Son Ho Young (ex member g.o.d).

Setelah ngadem beberapa saat karena udah jam 6, yaudah kita memutuskan untuk ngantri masuk bagian outdoor. Eh ternyata...... itu pada dorong2an pengen masuk dan jadinya tiket outdoor sama sekali ga diperiksa! Setelah lari2 buat dapet posisi enak depan layarnya, n udah pada masuk semua yang outdoor, panitianya muterin MV kpop. Pertama Bonamana. Biasa lah heboh gitu. Abis Bonamana itu diputer Love Like This!!!!!!!!!!! Gw langsung teriak saking seneng n excitednya xDDDDD. dan selama nonton gw nutup mulut saking terpananya n nahan diri biar2 gw ga teriak2 *oke ini emang lebay*. Selain itu juga diputer 2NE1 & Big Bang yang Lollipop, trus I Don't Care juga.. apalagi ya? *short term memory*

Jadi.... acaranya bener2 mulai jam 18.30 pas. Yang ngebuka adalah kelompok yang main musik tradisional Korea gitu. Keren! Dari cuma musik2nya aja, kemudian penyanyi kelompok itu berdiri dan nyanyi Bengawan Solo! Diiringin alat musik tradisional Korea dan mereka semua itu orang Korea loh.. Setelah selesai, baru deh MCnya muncul, Adrian Lee *yang MC Showbiz Extra* dan Nadia Mulya. Bener2 deh yaaa Adrian Lee ganteng banget pake batik! dan Nadia Mulya pake hanbok. Setelah berbacot ria (pake english, karena seluruh acara pake english, kecuali sambutan2), dikeluarin lah sambutan2 itu dari pihak Korea, TVRI, dan Arirangnya. Setelah sambutan2, muncullah tari Bali. Ada yang pernah liat tari Saman di Star King? Mereka yang muncul di Star King itu juga tampil dan bawain tari Saman di KIFF. dan mereka semua anak2 Korea yang tinggal di Indo. (lagi2) Kereeeen!! Setelah itu muncullah Jakarta Korean Child Choir *kalo ga salah namanya* pake hanbok dan nyanyi salah satu lagu yang di drama Jewel In The Palace. Suaranya bagus2 banget!

Dan akhirnya satu per satu muncul deh penyanyinya. GIta Gutawa muncul nyanyi Parasit dan Kucinta Dia *eh bener ga tuh judulnya?*. Trus Naomi muncul dan mereka duet lagu When You Wish Upon A Star. Selesai dan MCnya pun nyamperin mereka n interview gitu (you know lah). Anyway englishnya Gita Gutwa bagus dan Adrian Lee itu jadi kayak translator buat artis Koreanya.. lol.  Setelah itu Gita G menghilang dan Naominya nyanyi solo. Menurut gw suaranya bagus sih, tapi tampangnya aja kurang cantik dan mungkin agensinya juga ga menjual jadi ga terlalu terkenal.

Nah ini nih, setelah Naomi yang nyanyi adalah Son Ho Young!! eh sumpah ya dia keren abis!! dan dia ngerap!!!! n bodinya itu lohhhhhh hot sekseh kayak leader!!! XDDDD. dan dia tuh bener2 ramah n di salah satu lagunya dia turun panggung n bener2 salaman sama penonton!!! sumpah ya itu bener2 bikin gw jadi ngiri banget sama yang indoor...n di lagunya yang kedua itu dia buka rompinya dia n cuma pake kaos dalem item yang tanpa lengan gitu tau kan.. gila ya hot abis gw sampe bilang robek tu kaosnya dan temen gw sampe nengok ke gw haha XD. *jjitjoong syndrome* trus dia ngedance dan duet gitu bareng Goo Jun Yeop *maap kalo salah eja*. Selesai duet interview lagi, dan Adrian jadi translator lagi. lol. Setelah itu Goo Jun Yeopnya nyanyi. Band yang terakhir sebelom SHINee adalah The Dance Company. ah biasa aja....hehe. dan pas interview mereka cuma jawab OK n sip. Membuat gw ragu mereka ngerti english apa ngga. haha.

Nah akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu muncul!! jeng jeng jeng~~~ SHINee!!! Semua yang outdoor yang tadinya duduk langsung berdiri! Pertama Ring Ding Dong. Gila ya walau gw terlalu fokus sama hape nyoba moto tu layar *yang sebenernya hasilnya gagal dapet yang bagus-_-* gw bisa melihat SHINee itu cakep2! (shawol sesaat dan dadakan :p) Semuanya heboh nyanyiin dan banyak yang ngikutin dancenya. Lanjut ke Lucifer! Masih aja nyanyi bareng dan tangannya pada ke atas jadi ya.. gw susah buat moto. Maaf ya yang nitip fancam dan fanpic..hasilnya jelek...T.T Gw berusaha untuk tetep moto2 ngarep dapet yang bagus dan itu membuat tangan gw super pegel. Abis Lucifer MCnya interview mereka dan penutupan. Setelah itu SHINee perform Hello dan selesai lah KIFF pada pukul.. berapa ya? 21.00 atau 21.30 kali ya..

Begitu SHINee selesai, penonton langsung pada lari nyebar nungguin di depan pintu backstage. Dan kru kru KIFFnya menipu dengan bilang arah situ lah, sana lah. Nah karena Thya (yang mau gw tebengin n numpang nginep) panik baterenya abis, jadi kita nyari colokan. Dan beruntungnya adalah nemu colokan di deket pintu backstage C. Kita tuh ga terlalu peduli awalnya soal SHINee keluar lewat mana. Dan kru2 KIFF yang di dalem coba ngusir dengan nipu SHINee keluar disana (sambl nunjuk2 arah gitu) tapi secara kita lagi ngecas jadi ga diusir. Selam ngecas itu, sempet kita sempet kenalan sama cewek yang dapet tiket Arirang yag mo ngecas juga. Dia itu dari UNS Solo dan bolos kuliah 3 hari demi nonton! Gilaaa. Nah, karena dari tadi yang di situ diusirin mulu, gw yakin banget SHINee mau lewat situ. Bener aja. Setelah 30 menitan lebih (atau 1 jam?) kira2, pintu backstage yang tadinya dikunci itu dibuka kuncinya. Gw langsung yakin seyakin-yakinnya bakal lewat situ. Nah sialnya, Thya udah ditelpon sama yang jemput dan dia langsung panik-__-" jadi lah kita cabut dari situ. Padahal kita perlu nyariin Diana yang menghilang nguber2 SHINee.

Pas udah ketemu Diana, ternyata dia bener2 ngeliat langsung! Dan pas gw tanya keluar dari pintu mana, ternyata beneran dari pintu C yang gw duga! aaaaah T.T  >.< Diana cerita, kalo yang pertama itu sebenernya si Son Ho Young. Dia jalannya santai dan masih nyapa orang2 itu sambil ngomong annyeonghaseyo.. Trus Key, dia jalannya buru2 gitu. Abis Key itu Jonghyun, dia dipapah gitu.. Trus Onew jalan sambil megangin kepalanya dan keliatannya keleyengan (kalo ga ngerti keleyengan gunakan istilah pusing). Dari berita2 di twitter sesudahnya, barulah kita tau kalo ternyata kaki Jonghyun cedera dan Onew dijambak.. Dan saat Key ngeliatin Jonghyun dan Onew dengan tampang khawatir, ada fans yang ngelempar hadiah sampe kena dadanya Key. Trus baru deh Taemin, jalannya biasa aja. Terakhir Minho jalannya buru2 juga kayak Key. Kalo menurut Diana, sebenernya pengawalan udah cukup ketat karen dia coba ngulurin tangan buat megang tuh ga bisa. Tapi sebelahnya heboh kalo dia bilang berhasil megang Minho. Jadi.........?

Miris banget ceritanya pas bagian SHINeenya digituin. Apalagi Diana bilang kalo securitynya udah nasehatin fans2nya itu nyuruh mereka tertib dan tenang kalo mau SHINee lewat situ. Kita tuh jadi khawatir kalo2 mereka kapok kesini dan jadi ga ada artis Korea yang dateng nanti2nya :( Dan mereka tuh rusuh banget.. Tiap ada yang berhasil nyelinap masuk indoor, jadi banyak yang lari2 gitu ngikutin. Ga bisa lah jadinya...Tadinya gw juga ngikutin, cuma ga jadi deh daripada ilang spot duduk yang bagusnya..

Yah sekian pengalaman gw nonton konser untuk pertama kalinya, kpop pula xD. Semoga menghibur hati yang ga bisa nonton :) Untuk foto2 dan fancam belakangan ya.. ^^

Friday, September 24, 2010

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1; New Trailer!!

i should start writing my essay, but i'm blogging now. *nappeunneom-_-*
blame this freakin cool Harry Potter trailer! xDDD

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

[501 Story] Hyung Jun message on DSP 100922

long time not blogging. anyway here are uri maknae's message! he wish us a Happy Chuseok! other than that i don't understand. lol

[형준]^-^ 2010-09-22 오전 11:45:17

사랑하는 여러분,

어제 비피해 없었죠, 다들 추석인데 고생하셨어요.

비가 너무 많이와서 깜짝놀랬어요,

전 어제 일본 다녀와서 오늘부터 며칠간은 추석연휴를 가족과 함께 보내려구요.

완두콩이 그립고 보고싶은 날이네요 오늘따라 더...^-^
우리 더 힘내고, 앞으로 다섯명이 하는 멋진 활동들 더 응원해주고, 더 아껴주기에요

항상 그래왔듯이.

쌀람해요~!! 메리추석 and 해피추석 입니다.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

[501CONVO] SS501 in twitter (no hyunjoong)

yeyeyey~~ kyusaeng got twitter~~ kyusaeng got twitter~
kyu said in his tweet that hyunjoong thought twitter is difficult to play (?) so he didn't play it.. lol. someone should teach him! pali!! xD

will do the 501convo plus the dates^^

all translation credit goes to Ode @


Hyung Jun (HJB): Calling-Rain-Dudes DoubleS501 Manseh (normal tweet)
Young Saeng (YS): What thing makes you suddenly go Manseh? ㅡㅡ
HJB: What, Pig!!
HJB: Youngsaengie hyung is black pig!
YS: You are Zzi X X kkk
HJB: .......... Surrender
YS: I see that you've been on Twitter for quite long already har~~But why didn't you tell me?ㅡㅡ
HJB: I'm the Twitter expert nyo ~ Well because Hyung you didn't ask me!!! heu heu
YS: Ya~~ If I was the only one to follow you (one-sidedly), it won't do don't you think? We should do it together~ Didn't you see the Following list?


HJB: Hyung, let's have a battle in Starcraft 2
YS: Sure, let's have a round of it!! k


YS to Jung Min (JM): So you already followed me before we even talked har~k



HJB: Park Jungmin loves carrots though !
JM: Ah Who stole my Facebook~~~!! (normal tweet)
HJB: I was the one who stole it!


JM: Followed already~!!!! hhh I found my facebook~!! Also, I totally dislike carrots!!!
HJB: Min~ To be honest we talked about this didn't you~ You told me you love carrots, and the fact that you secretly hold a crush for Jerry Hyungjun in your heart,, Let's love openly!~ ㅠㅡㅠ



KJ to HJB: Jjun, will it do just like that ar?!!
KJ to JM: Horse, now I'm playing this too and I find it so totally difficult .. Wow ㅠ hh
KJ to YS: Wink?? hh, Hyung I'm also playing this now, but it's really so difficult ㅠ Hyunjoong-hyung finds it too hard that's why he don't play hh
HJB to KJ: Very good, purrfect this, you're doing great, sama-kwi (praying mantis)! You've approached the Twitter world
HJB to KJ: You used the informal lang towards Youngsaeng hyung already!? Youngsaeng hyung is now missling you with his 'Piggy' warp, I bet
KJ to HJB: I've gotta run away from it then hh
YS to KJ: kk, so you've also begun har~~ As you play along, you'll gradually find it easier slowly~k
HJB to KJ: Youngsaeng hyung is on diet these days that's why he can't even run , all of us can just clutter around him and attack ^^
YS to KJ n HJB: What you talking ㅡㅡ Let's have a round of Starcraft~~~k
KJ to YS: I'm working hard, but because I still don't know it well I'm only sending one entry at a time, taking up alot of my time hhh
KJ to HJB: hh, That's why, Do well for your radio later hh
KJ to YS: How to talk to two person at one go?? hh, I can't play Starcraft in my house ㅠ, heuk, but have gotta go buy/download soon hhh
HJB to YS: I've already turned into a total expert in Starcraft 2, even if you battle with 2 against 1, I will still win!? Ppong

HJB to JM: Call me, I'll tell you something, Tom ~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[News] Jung Min will be back this year!

source: allkpop

SS501 member, Park Jung Min, has decided to start a new experience by going solo.

With his new company, CNR Media, Park Jung Min decided to begin his solo promotions. CNR Media celebrated a new chapter in Park Jung Min’s career at their office in Taiwan, and CEO Chae Ji Byung, Star TV Group’s Im Won Jin, and Yamaha A&R Representatives were just a few of the names in attendance.

Park Jung Min said that he was, “Very nervous to be standing in front of so many people after releasing the contents of the exclusive contract”. He also stated that he must, “Work harder in order to become a multi-faceted Park Jung Min who can expand horizons and work in various fields.”

Park Jung Min is currently studying Chinese, practicing singing, and working out in order to prepare for solo promotions. He expressed his desire to meet the highest of expectations for his fans, “This year, I want to stand in front of everyone with a good, clean image. I ask for everyone to please continue to look after me and give me love.”

Park Jung Min plans to release his plans for national, as well as international, promotions in the near future.

Source: MyDaily

the only thing i wish is the price is not too expensive for me >.<
ah, also wish him a success! ^^

Tuesday, August 31, 2010



kata ganti orang:





NB: dangsin gak dipake dlm percakapan formal/bahasa tulis. dangsin hanya boleh dipake dlm 2 keadaan yaitu percakapan suami istri dan dalam keadaan marah serta memaki lawan bicara


geu=dia (cowo)

geunyeo=dia (cewe)


jeoheui=kami/kita (jamak) *bingung, emg kita ada yang lebih jamak lagi?*


anggota keluarga:




si-abeoji=ayah mertua

si-eomeoni=ibu mertua

harabeoji=kakek(dari pihak ayah)

halmeoni=nenek(dari pihak ayah)

oeharabeoji=kakek(dari pihak ibu)

oe-eomeoni=nenek(dari pihak ibu)

opa=kakak laki2 untuk adik perempuan

eonni=kakak perempuan untuk adik perempuan

hyeong=kakak laki2 untuk adik laki2

nuna=kakak perempuan untuk adik laki2

dongsaeng=adikyeodongsaeng=adik perempuan

namdongsaeng=adik laki2

hyeongje=saudara laki2

jamae=saudara perempuan




adeul=anak laki2

tal=anak perempuan

sonja=cucu laki2

sonnyeo=cucu perempuan



kheun abeoji=kakak laki2 dari ayah (om/pakde) *maaf javanesenya keluar

kheun eomeoni=istrinya kheun abeoji

jageun abeoji/sukbu=adik laki2 ayah (paman/pakle)

jageun eomeoni/sungmo=istrinya sukbu

kheun gomo=kakak perempuan ayah (tante/bude)

kheun gomobu=suaminya kheun gomo

jageun gomo=adik perempuan ayah (bibi/bukle)

jageun gomobu=suaminya jageun gomo

oya ini ada grammar dasar, ga bikin pusing kok *makanya gw kasih sekarang

dan ini paling sering kita denger kalo orang ngomong pake b.korea


kalimat formal

1. akhiran kalimat formal dlm b.korea yaitu ㅂ 니다 (biep nida) dipake buat kata kerja/verb yang berakhiran huruf vokal


minum --> masida

agar masida menjadi formal, maka langkah pertama kita hilangkan dulu da-nya, dan sekarang tinggal masi

masi+biep nida = masimnida

2. akhiran kalimat formal dlm b.korea yaitu 습니다 (seumnida) dipake buat verb yang berakhiran konsonan


makan --> mokda

agar mokda menjadi formal, langkah pertama sama seperti dia atas yaitu menghilangkan da

mok+seumnida = mokseumnida

3. verb yang berakhiran ㄹ (L) hilang apabila ditambah biep nida


membuat --> mandeulda

maka, mandeul+biep nida = mandeumnida

huruf L hilang

mungkin daritadi pada bingung, kenapa biep nida jika diaplikasikan dalam kata terbaca imnida, bukan ipnida?

karena huruf biep (ㅂ) apabila bertemu nien (ㄴ) menjadi miem (ㅁ).

jadi bila ingin berkata minum, bukan masipnida, tapi masimnida...oke??

*gw kayak ngajar ngaji deh

kalimat non-formal

ada 3 syarat:

1. untuk semua yang berakhiran a (아) dan o (오) menjadi ayo (아요)


pergi --> gada --> ga ayo --> gayo

2. selain berakhiran a dan o (no.1) menjadi eoyo (어요)


minum --> masida --> masieoyo --> masyeoyo (i kalo ketemu eo secara ga langsung jadi yeo)

3. yang berakhiran ha (하) menjadi haeyo (해요)


belajar --> gongbuhada --> gongbuhaeyo

NB: di percakapan sehari2, no.2 dan no.3 paling sering dipake.


buat kata2 ini menjadi bentuk formal dan non-formalnya

1. datang (oda)

2. tinggal (salda)

3. bagus (jotda/jota)

4. istirahat (swida)

5. menunggu (gidarida)

6. suka (joahada)

7. olahraga (undonghada)

8. menyanyi (noraehada)

met ngerjaiiin ^^

sumber: sehari kuasai percakapan korea - wahyu priati @indonesia cerdas, 1 jam lancar membaca, menulis dan berbicara korea - dewi&sani @bandung korea community

Monday, August 30, 2010


‎1. 0856-9240-3xxx
gongphaloyuk e guisagong e samxxx
(tergantung no hape masing2 lah yaa)
2. Rp 2.600 icheon yukbaek rupia
    Rp 1.300 cheon sambaek rupia
3. 19 sipgu
    350 sambaek osip
    39 samsipgu
    501 obaek il
    666 yukbaek yuksipyuk
    13.000 mansamcheon


‎1. i angyeongi nugu geoyeoyo?
2. kimchika isseoyo?
3. geu yeonphili eolmayeyo?
4. gajamada daehakkyoka eodiyeyo?



Perlu diketaui (ato emg dah pada tau) korea punya 2 macam bilangan

a. Bilangan korea asli yaitu:

jika satuan (1=hana, 2=dul, 3=set, 4=net, 5= daseot, 6=yeoseot, 7=ilgop, 8=yeodeol, 9=ahop, 10=yeol)

jika belasan (11= yeol hana, 12= yeol dul, 13= yeol set) dan seterusnya. intinya kalo mau nunjukin itu bilangan belasan, sebelum bilangan pokok dikasi yeol yang artinya disini adlh belas. filosofinya 17 itu dari angka 10+7, jadi yeol+ilgop= yeol ilgop

jika puluhan (20= seumul, 30= seoreun, 40=maheun, 50=swin, 60=yesun (yesung??*abaikan), 70=ireun, 80=yeodeun, 90=aheun)

misal mau sebuat angka 45 maka 40+5 = maheun daseot. kalo 68 berarti yesun yeodeol

NB: bilanagan asli korea ini cuma sampe 99 (aheun ahop). jadi kalo mau nyebutin angka2 yang lebih dari 99 (misal 501, kekeke) pake bilangan sino korea.

b. sino korea

jika satuan (1=il, 2=i, 3=sam, 4=sa, 5=o, 6=yuk, 7=chil, 8=phal, 9=gu, 10=sip)

belasan (11=sipil, 12=sipi, 13=sipsam) dan seterusnya. caranya sama kayak yang di bilangan asli tadi. misal 18 adalah 10+8 = sip+phal = sipphal. ngerti?

puluhan (kebalikan dari belasan dan ditambah satuan-JANGAN KETUKER-) jika 14 adalah sipsa, maka 41 adalah sasipil.

ratusan (100=baek, 200=ibaek, 300=sambaek, dst)

seribu = cheon

sepuluh ribu = man

seratus ribu = simman

1juta = baengman

10juta = cheonman

100juta = eok

1milyar= sibeok


tiap mau nyebutin angka dlm aktivitas sehari2, kita harus tau itu pake bilangan sino/asli (nah, ini yang bikin gw keder)

bilangan asli korea dipake kalo mau nyebutin:

jam, jumlah/kuantitas, umur


jam 07:38 --> ilgopsi samsipphalbun (ilgopsi menunjukkan kalo itu jam 7). si adlah imbuhan untuk menandakana kalo itu adalah jam. samsipphalbunnya lupain dulu

8 orang --> yeodeol myeong (yeodeol=8). untuk orang bisa pake myeong, saram, atau bun. mending jgn pake bun, takut ketuker sama menit

18 tahun --> yeol yeodeol sal (sal imbuhan buat nandain kalo itu umur)

bilangan sino korea dipake untuk:

tanggal bulan tahun, harga, nomor (rumah, telpon, dll), menit


11 agustus 2004

NB: sebutin dari tahun, bulan, baru tanggal

icheon sanyeon (2004- nyeon menunjukkan tahun) phal wol (wol nunjukin bulan) sipil il (il untuk hari)

harga Rp. 10.900 --> man gubaek rupia

nomor. misal nomor tlp --> 0897 - 882 - 7170

(gongphalguchil e phalphalil e chililchilgong) NB: tanda pemisah/strip dibaca e

menit 07:38 --> ilgopsi samsipphalbun (bun nunjukin menit)

akhirnya selesai jugaaaaa


1. sebutin nomer hp masing2 pake bahasa korea

2. sebutin Rp 2.600, Rp 1300 dalam bahasa korea

3. sebutin 19, 350, 39, 501, 666, 13.000 dlm bahasa korea

selamat ngerjain *gw bikin soalnya ngasal loh

sumber: buku tata bahasa korea - sri endah setia lestari @kesaint blanc publishing, 1 jam lancar membaca, menulis&berbicara bahasa korea - dewi&sani @bandung korea community


soo.. let's learn korean! ini gw ambil dari notesnya Mega di FB.
biar kalo mo belajar lagi ga puyeng ngubek2 notes FB.

okay, lesson #1..start!



ini grammar pertama yang aku baca. namanya PENANDA SUBJEK (SUBJECT MARKER).

fungsi: menandakan subjek suatu kalimat (ya iyalaaaah)

aturan: letakan pada kata benda yang fungsinya sbg subjek

ada 2 macem

1. 가 (ga/ka) : dipake kalo kata bendanya berakhiran huruf hidup

contoh: 비가 (pika) (kata benda dasar=pi, dan ditambah ka)

menunjukkan kalo pika adalah subjeknya

contoh kalimat: Pika wayo (turun hujan/the rain comes)

dalam kalimat tsb, hujanlah (pi) yang jadi subjeknya. maka dikasih imbuhan ga/ka.

(bingung deh gw, kenapa pika? harusnya biga *lupain)

2. 이 (i) : dipake kalo kata benda berakhiran konsonan

contoh: 사람이 (sarami) (kata benda dasar: saram, ditambah i)

nunjukin kalo sarami itu subjek

contoh kalimat: Keu sarami chaegul ilgoyo (orang itu membaca buku/she reads a book)

dlm kalimat tsb, oranglah (saram) yang jadi subjek, maka dikasih imbuhan i

contoh laen:

Jeka hangugoreul gongbuhaeyo

je: saya, dan karena ini subjek, maka diberi imbuhan ka

nah ini dia, suka nemu lirik SS501 yang gini kan:

LET ME BE THE ONE FOR ALL YOUR ANSWERS, geu sarami narago (orang itu adalah aku) <-- subjek kan? *iya gak sih?*

algeseumnika? (ngerti gak?)


pilih ya, subjek2 ini dikasih imbuhan apa. pilih yang di dlm kurung

1. i angyeong (i/ka) nugu geoyeoyo?

2. kimchi (i/ka) isseoyo?

3. geu yeonphil (i/ka) eolmayeyo?

4. gajamada (gadjah mada maksudnya, penulisnya sunbae gw sendiri *promo) daehakkyo (i/ka) eodiyeyo? (di jogja buu....*abaikan)

jawabnya lewat komen aja ya, copas pertanyaanya+isi yang tepat

segini dulu deh ya. tadinya mau nambahin kosakata juga, tapi bingung mau ngasih yang mana dulu. nih notes copas ke word ato minimal dicatet biar ga lupa (dan bagi yang mo bisa b.korea). saran kritiknya ya.

sumber: buku tata bahasa korea - sri endah setia lestari @kesaint blanc publishing


jawaban soal latihan liat menu Answers yak.

Friday, August 27, 2010

[501 Story] Hyung Joon's message on DSP web 100827

he got a new agency, S-Plus Entertainment! but he still left message on DSP web~! waiting for translation now..

Credit: + Ode @ (eng trans)

[형준] ♡ 2010-08-27 오후 12:52:17

안녕하세요~ 오랜만이네요 완두콩!

요즘 날씨가 너무덥죠, 비가 많이오고 했는데도 계속 더위가 오래가네요.

전 김형준의 뮤직하이!!!!!!!!!!!!와 여러가지 방송도 준비하고있구.

여러가지 쇼케이스 준비도 하고있어요, 후핫

이제 정말 더 멋진모습으로 새로운 도약을 하려합니다.

나에게, 힘을 실어줄수 있죠? 항상 고마워요. 정말

더 열심히하고, 처음의 마음가짐 잊지 않는 ,초심의 자세로 더 낮은자세로

배우고 발전하고 더 멋진모습으로 보답하는 김형준 될께요.

정말 너무 고맙고. 쌀람해요. 알죠^-^

우리 모두 더 열심히 할꺼니까, 기대해줘요

Forever SS501. and Triple S .

English Translation

Annyonghaseyo~ It's been some time, green peas!

The weather's really hot these days isn't it, though it's been raining alot too, the heat's been remaining for a long time now.

I've been preparing for various broadcasts and of course "Kim Hyung Jun's Music High" too.

Been preparing for various showcases, huat

Now, I'm really gonna have my brand new leap forward with a more amazing me.

You will give me strength, won't you? Thank you always. Really

I'll work harder, and will not forget my initial determination, the beginning me who began out at a much lower status than now

I'll become the Kim Hyung Jun who will learn well so as to develop better and repay you all.

Really truly thank you. I love you. You know don't you ^-^

All of us will work harder, so keep anticipating

Forever SS501. and Triple S.

Friday, August 20, 2010

latest updates.

howaaaaaaaaaa it's been 18 days since my last time blogging!!!
too busy with UI thingy, though in the end i chose STAN as my college~^^
in 18 days.. a lot of things happened in fandom world..
Jung Min got a new agency.. Baby possibly got a new agency too..
and CN Blue's Singapore showcase is tomorrow!
also DSP has released other version of Love Like This, and will released Love Ya MV in 3D!
KyuSaeng went to Japan and already back to Korea.. Jung Min too..
now Leader still in Japan..

i'll have 2 more days at UI, than i'll be in another holiday!
i'm so cunning, will leave UI after being the freshman there for 1 month. LOL

JangKi will be on Sept 1st! 11 days left!

now should feed my fangirl side~ LOL *runaway watching videos*

Monday, August 2, 2010

[Twitter] hyungjun87 100803 update

because it's already Aug 3 on KST, means it's Hyung Joon birthday! YAY!!
i don't think ill be able to make special post >.<

anyway, hw tweeted just short after 12AM KST on Aug 3!
here is the tweet:

 (decided to screencap it)
same case with CN Blue's; translation later! >.< T.T

[Twitter] CNBLUE_4 update 100802

i'm busy now.. hiks cant blog a lot T.T
CNBLUE_4 tweeted a lot today. all except Jung Shin >.<
Jung Shin also tweeted~

here are the tweets

at 12:16 PM KST

at 11:13 PM KST

will post the translation later if i have time T.T

Saturday, July 31, 2010

[Videos] BoA - Hurricane Venus teaser

Hurricane Venus teaser is out! BoA tweeted it herself  ^o^
i'm quite her fan since "Eat You Up"

[Twitter] hyungjun87 update 100731

so now he tweet once a day? great~!
tomorrow is his advanced birthday party! i wonder who's the other member who'll come..
i think it's kyu and saengie, since they don't have much to do..

this time i screencap it..

translation (credit to Liezle-ssi):
Choco's hair has grown a lot. Can't hardly see her eyes .. but still really adorable.

this is the photo~ choco!

Friday, July 30, 2010

[Twitter] CNBLUE_4 update 100730

you know what? i was on my way home after iceskate when he tweeted this.
sigh.. i miss all of my idols tweet today >.<

악스홀대기실이랍니다! 내일있을 콘서트리허설도중 저녁시간! 여러분은식사하셨습니까 지금은밥탐!!!

[Twitter] hyungjun87 update 100730

yes yes he tweets again today! it's agood thing that now he tweet often!
too bad i was iceskating when he tweeted >.<

translation credit: kimmytastic (via ss501facts) @ twitter - 좋다. 오랜만에 들어보는 우리노래 .
Our song that I haven't heard in a long time... I like it.

it looks like some kind of chart of Music High.. don't you think so ? :)

SS501 at Migreen Clinic

SS501 News Aggregator: SS501 at Migreen Clinic: "Pls credit the sources and all translators/sites when reposting. Do not re-edit or hotlink the graphics. These photos are not new but they ..."

once again~ using blog-this feature..
not new pics, probably from around Deja Vu promo?
anyway Jung Min must really love that red top.
he often seen wearing it^^

[Twitter] CNBLUE_4 tweet again today

this time it's Yonghwa tweeting! will post the translation later if i found it. finally~

translation credit: CodeAzzurro

용화/ ...아너무떨려요벌써부터ㅜㅠㅠㅋㅋ이런...저에게힘을주세요!!!!!!기를팍팍불어넣어주세요~!!어서~~

Yonghwa/ Soon it is our concert... ah I am already nervousㅜㅠㅠ keke please... give me strength to me like this!!!!!! Give me your strengths~!! Hurry~~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

[Twitter] updates from Music High PD.. and Hyung Jun!

the first picture is from MuHigh PD twitter. i saw this when Hiromi-neesan tweet-RT him. (sorry for my absurd language^^;)

then not long after that Baby also tweet!

translation credit: Quainte501
MuHigh PD (cobain999) tweet:
녹음중에 트윗질 중이신 뮤하 쭌 DJ군! 일하자! 일해! ㅎㅎ
MuHigh Jjoon DJ who is tweeting during recording! Go to work! Work! heehee

then someone (possibly other MuHigh staff; joydvzon) respond to PD-nim tweet..
그 현장을 또 찍은 사진. ㅋ
Took another photo of the recording scene. ke

at last is Maknae's tweet! - 이 분은 ..? 누구시지.. 전설의 남PD 브라덜~?
this person is..? Who is he.. he is legendary Nam PD brother~?

(the pic originally a .bmp image but i change it to .jpeg)

i don't think i'll find PD-nim and staff-nim tweets translation..
good thing xiaochu from Quainte501 translate them also~^^

072810 Park CEO message on

My Cozy Li'l Corner: 072810 Park CEO message on "Much thanks again to iamsom's tweet regarding the message that the CEO of Royal Avenue left on it's Sohu blog. ^_^ and to tracylin for the..."

blog-this feature really comes in handy, since i usually lazy too blog ^^;
congrats to lucky gals who's picked!
and it's nice to know that Jung Min's English and Chinese skill improved a lot!

[Photos] 071110 Jung Min as a wedding singer

My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Photo] 071110 Jung Min as a wedding singer: "This photos was just posted on by 민이쉘. I looks like that Jung Min attended some wedding on the 11th of July and sang congratulato..."

i'm trying the new blog-this feature.(i edit it anyway..)
really love the photo!! XDDDDDD
Jung Min looks exceptionally handsome in the photo!! <3333
looooooooooooove him ! XDDDDDDDDD

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

[News] CN Blue will go on Asia Tour!


Having completed their Love promotions recently, the CNBLUE boys will be holding their first concert at the Seoul AX Hall this weekend on July 31st.

And immediately after completing their Seoul concert, the boys will be embarking on their Asia tour which will see them travel to Hong Kong (August), Singapore (August), Thailand (September), Taiwan (September), Japan (September) and China (October) to meet their fans.

So keep a lookout in your own country to see them perform live.

It has been a meteoric rise for CNBLUE having just debuted 7 months ago and we wish them all the best for the later half of 2010.


their Seoul Concert is on 31st July

for Singapore, the schedule will be (source:
1. fansign on 20th august (40mins),
2. showcase+fanmeet on 21st August (1.5hrs)

and Hong Kong concert is on 29th August

i don't know other dates

[News] Kim Hyun Joong signs exclusive contract with The Face Shop

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Singer cum actor Kim HyunJoong became a Bae YongJoon-standard CF model.

According to beauty cosmetic industry, Kim HyunJoong recently signed an exclusive contract with The Face Shop. The Face Shop mainly uses the cream of the crop Hallyu stars as their models. They have used big Hallyu stars such as Bae YongJoon, Kwon SangWoo, Jeon JiHyun, Go SoYoung, etc. Because of that, there is a lot of attention in the beauty cosmetic industry on Kim HyunJoong’s contract this time.

The Face Shop is a major low-mid priced cosmetic brand which recorded sales of 257.1 billion won last year, what is even more eye-catching is that their export business to Asia regions. With this contract, it is analyzed that Kim HyunJoong will confirm his position in Asia.

Because this CF contract is the first modeling/endorsement contract for Kim HyunJoong after his move to Bae YongJoon’s company Key East, it has gained attention. After it was known that Kim HyunJoong signed a 1 year exclusive contract for over 500 million won, a top-A-grade contract, all eyes and ears in the CF industry are on Kim HyunJoong. Kim HyunJoong will start his endorsement in Autumn-Winter, and will be making official announcement on his modeling/endorsement contract next month.

With Kim HyunJoong signing contract with The Face Shop, many are curious if Bae YongJoon will be his partner in the CF. Even though Bae YongJoon’s endorsement contract has ended, depending on whether if there is a re-contract, he might be appearing in the CF with Kim HyunJoong.

Kim HyunJoong is currently in the midst of filming for MBC drama ‘Mischievous Kiss’.


it seems his contract with Tony Moly already ended.
but~ it's good if he becomes The Face Shop model!
because there are The Face Shop outlets here~ means i could see leader's face on those outlets!!! LOL
(fyi, no Tony Moly outlet here -_-)

Monday, July 26, 2010

[Twitter] CN Blue tweets update

hey CN Blue got twitter too now!
it seems they already have it for quite some time, but just been proofed that it's legit recently..
go follow them on !
all of the members using that acc.

these are the updates

credit: CNBLUE_4 + Code Azzurro @ Twitter

하하콘서트d-day5일입니당ㅋㅋ열심히준비중ㅎ제발첫콘서트가성공하길!! 아까사진잘못올라갔어요 ㅠ
d-day5 for the concert haha keke we are practicing hard ha please let this first concert be a success!! My picture before was uploaded wrong before ㅠ 열심히 콘서트연습에찌든....누가더페도라가잘어울리나요? we are working hard for our concert....who looks better in the fedora?

내가정신이보다 베이스잘칠수있어 !!!나중에한번보여드릴께요 ~하하하
I can play the bass better than Jungshin!!! I will show you guys sometime ~hahaha 이번엔 비니!!비니는내가더잘어울릴껄.!!!ㅋㅋ This time a beanie!! I probably look better in a beanie.!!! keke

[Twitter] Baby's tweet today^^

it's nice he's starting to tweet more often now^^
ahhh wish Jungmin also tweet  >.<

here is Hyung Jun's tweet: - 짜잔~ 미리받은 생일케익~ 고마워요 ^^

translated:  jja jan~ early birthday cake~ thank you ^^

here is the photo he tweeted

[News] Kim HyunJoong, Jung SoMin ‘Mischievous Kiss’ First Filming Photos Released

credit: + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ + Liezle's blog

Photos of the first filming for MBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday mini series ‘Mischievous Kiss’ by Kim HyunJoong and Jung SoMin have been released.

According to production team Group Eight, Kim HyunJoong acts as Baek SeungJo and Jung SoMin acts as Oh HaNi in ‘Mischievous Kiss’, started their very first filming on 24-Jul at a residential area in SungBok-dong, Seoul. In this filming, scenes of both of them bickering while on their way to school are being recorded. Group Eight released this set of photos to the public on 26-Jul.

Group Eight said “Kim HyunJoong and Jung SoMin who have worked together in practicing with their scripts earlier on, when they got into the filming site, the staffs applause to congratulate both of them for the commencement of the real filming. Kim HyunJoong and Jung SoMin responded with bright smiles.”

In addition, they added “That day’s filming is about SeungJo and HaNi, who started to cohabit by chance, was squabbling on their way to school. We also captured SeungJo’s cold unfriendly looks where he told her to pretend that they don’t know each other in school, and HaNi’s sullen looks when she grumbles about SeungJo, this is also known as the start of their sweet romance in the future.”

Kim HyunJoong expressed his determination about this drama with the start of the filming.

Kim HyunJoong said “Today is the first filming, upon hearing the cue sign from the director, then only did I have the actual feeling that the filming has really started.” He also emphasized “Today I have been reborn again, not as Boys Over Flower’s Yoon JiHoo but as Mischievous Kiss’s Baek SeungJo, with the excitement and sense of responsibility, I will make this the best drama.”

Jung SoMin revealed “I am someone who looks into the eyes of others when I am talking, the Director always looked into my eyes and gave me guidance, I can really feel his focus towards the actors/actress. Instead of perfect acting skills since I am still a rookie, I will show a non-stereotyped and innocent side of me.”

‘Mischievous Kiss’ will start broadcast on 9-Sep.


wonder what time-slot it will be...

[Photos] Leader at Mischievous Kiss shooting

just for your info..
Mischievous Kiss = Playful Kiss = It Started With A Kiss = Itazura na Kiss

take it from Liezle's blog as usual (yeah i don't have many source...)
credit as tagged
2  first photos are press released photos
the last photo is my favorite one ^-^

[Videos] Arashi new CM

Arashi is the new CM star for Hitachi. yeah that famous brand for.. gas stove in Indonesia.
actually they have many products..
since i dunno how to embed from tudou, i just post the link..
will update if other members version out.

credit: tokyohive

Sakurai Sho version
Aiba Masaki version

Sunday, July 25, 2010

[Videos] BoA - Game MV

i really like BoA! but i used to only know about her Japanese and Western songs...
now she made her comeback in Korea and now i know her Korean song!
her new album "Hurricane Venus" will be released on August 2nd

this is the MV of the title track "Game".

credit: SMent @ youtube

[Fancam] Leader on Itazura na Kiss shooting location

credit: wwlovehjl3@yt +

fanpic link, not allowed to repost:

who's agree with me that leader looks so hot and sexy in uniform????! XDDDDDDDDDDD

Thursday, July 22, 2010

SS501 Facts

HJL = Leader = Hyun Joong
YS = Young Saeng
KJ = Kyu Jong
JM = Jung Min
HJB = Baby (Jun) = Hyung Jun = Hyung Joon
TS = green peas = pretties = Triple S

credit: ss501facts @ Twitter and Formspring + other sources

  1. Leader best Voice Imitation of : Andre Kim (a Korean fashion designer)
  2. Jung Min 1st live performance watched : Korea singers' combined concert
  3. Jung Min ringing tone : cellphone's preset tone
  4. Kyu Jong's favourite vegetable is onion
  5. Leader ideal date is to play musical instruments together
  6. Artiste that Kyu Jong desired to work with : G.Gorilla senior
  7. Leader Hyun Joong 1st LIVE performance watched : Limp Bizkit
  8. Baby Jun's most frequently song that he sang at practice studio : Usher 'U Got It Bad', 'U Remind Me', 'So Sick'
  9. Baby Jun 1st impression of Hyun Joong : Strong eyes
  10. Young Saeng's suitable song for listening while driving around : Izumi Sakai (or ZARD), Avril Lavigne
  11. Young Saeng first album purchased it H.O.T
  12. HJL's dream girl is Innocent/pure + Glamour (charisma) has an oval-shaped face and long black hair, innocent and yet sexy.
  13. Jung Min's dream girl is a lady with pretty collarbone, double eyelid, big eyes like deer and brown color hair
  14. Hyung Joon has a poor eye sight. And because of that, he had to wear glasses or either contact lenses all the time :( but he had lasik done already :) so, bye contact lenses and glasses!
  15. According to SS501's past choreographer, Hyun Joong leader is the hardest one to teach because he is too into rock. They spent like take 3 months to learn the basic dance step “up and down bounce" because of him.
  16. In junior high school placement test, HJL was enrolled scoring the 4th highest result in the entire school.
  17. In the lower primary years, Hyun Joong already obtained the certificate for level 3 Hanja qualification examination
  18. HJL's result was always ranked 1st in the class and often rank 1st or 2nd in whole school.
  19. HJL never asked money from his family during trainee days.
  20. After passing the trainee singer interview, HJL would only return home only when he was given time off. and HJL always came back starving by public bus and had to walk home when he has no transportation money.
  21. HJL's family used to have a fashion business in Dongdaemun.
  22. Because HJL stopped school, he was given only 10,000 won (USD7.90!) pocket money every month.
  23. HJL asked his family to stop their clothing business and promised to be the pillar of the family, coz his brother was in army.
  24. HJL once gave his mum a set of cosmetic to reduce wrinkle and it makes her cry in happiness
  25. HJL didn’t know how to hold chopsticks properly until BOF, but after BOF he forgot how to hold it properly again.
  26. HJL found out he was casted for BOF by internet when he was in Japan.
  27. HJL said, "If I can live once again, I want to be Tom Cruise."
  28. HJL has a small mole on his left ear
  29. HJL's belt unbuckles itself during one of Music Bank Love Like This performance.
  30. HJL wants to gather all of the fans from all over the world for a free concert.
  31. HJL mostly said that his ideal woman is Lee Hyori
  32. HJL gave a kiss on a little girl lips when he was awarded 2009 Style Icon Award because he misunderstand that actually the lil girl want to kiss him on his cheek.
  33. HJL won 3 awards at 2009 Yahoo Buzz Award.
  34. HJB is the scariest off all members when he’s mad.
  35. KJ and HJL had a lasik done.
  36. "I feel that Triple S and SS501 are friends forever." –HJL
  37. "The fans are also members to our group. Its not just the 5 of us that cause SS501 to exist; it's because of everyone in TS that we are able to stand here now"-KJ
  38. JM always do charity since he was in school. He gives moral support. He sat with patient at the hospitals, talk to them n such.
  39. Kyu Jong's favorite manga is Crayon Shinchan
  40. Baby's favorite manga is Evangelion
  41. Young Saeng's favorite manga is Dragon Ball
  42. Leader favorite manga is One Piece, Naruto, Berserk
  43. HJL said if he won lotto, he would continue singing and dancing with SS501 and buy a huge bus
  44. HJL has an elder brother name Kim Young Joong.
  45. HJL favorite athlete is Kim Yuna. She’s a figure skater.
  46. HJL doesn’t set speed dial on his phone because he generally remember the numbers he usually use.
  47. According to their choreographer SS501's favorite dance is Fighter. The most hated one is Coward
  48. HJB's cousin said that as a kid Hyung Jun loved escalators. Whenever he saw one he wanted to go up. But he doesn't remember this detail of his childhood but he admits his mom and cousin still laugh about it.
  49. JM fav SS501 song are Again and 4 Chance.
  50. HJL doesn't like coffee.
  51. Kim Hyung Joon is a very close friend of Park Yong-Ha. He’s really shocked when he heard about Park Yong Ha’s death. He even cried in Music High broadcast later on.
  52. SS501 have a total of 21 Music Videos
  53. YS is known as individualistic but when he's on stage, he'll display his powerful appeal.
  54. KJ is determined and does not give up after he made up his decision.
  55. KJ has a sense of justice and has good manners.
  56. YS thinks he's d best in d group because he is always silent.
  57. Kyu Jong can cook Korean Chicken Soup n prepare Korean bbq impressively
  58. HJL ideal girl is Lee Hyori
  59. YS ideal girl is Song Hye Gyo
  60. KJ ideal girl is Oh Se Jung
  61. JM ideal girl is Go So Young
  62. HJB ideal girl is BoA
  63. KJ’s dad was a national archer

[Profile] Park Jung Min

credit: + other sources

Birth Name: 박정민 (Park Jung Min)
Hanja: 朴政玟
Japanese: パク・ジョンミン
Nickname: Sexy Charisma, Horse
Birth date: 3rd April 1987
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 185cm
Blood type: O
Star sign: Aries
Family members: Parents, elder brother, sister-in-law, elder sister, nephew
Education: High school affiliated to Dankook University, Currently studying in Kyonggi University, Acting department
Motto: Always live with a thankful heart

Hobbies: Writing lyrics, collecting things, taking a walk, listening to music
Idol: Any artist that worth to learn from
Favourite food: Carrot
Favourite songs: PINK “U+Ur Hand”, “I’m not Dead”
Most satisfied body part: Teeth
Animal to describe himself: Unicorn
Things will do before sleep: Wear ear plugs & eye mask and pray
Ways to relax: Try to smile
Habit that he would like to change : Hope to cure sweaty palm
Things that he bring in his bag : Medicine, Diary, Accessories
Thing that he won't loose to anybody : Confidence

3 wishes :

1. SS501 to become artiste known by people all over the world
2. To have eternal life and living forever
3. Always happy and have a thankful heart

Type of girl he likes: Filial, understanding, can stand his whims

Position in team: low vocal
Talents: Tap dance, Rock climbing, Singing, Dancing, Acting
Past experience: MTV Fresh VJ (from March to November 2003), DJ for SBS's "Youngstreet" Radio, MC of a Korean TV Show (MBC) entitled !느낌표: 위대한 유산 74434, MC SBS Inki Gayo, MC Mnet Countdown, Musical 'Grease'


Here ('Kokoro' August 2007)
If You Cannot feat. Jisun (SS501 Solo Collection 2009)

Musical: Grease (December 2008 - March 2009, as Danny)

TV appearance:

Spotlight (MBC, 2008, cameo, Ep 1)
Hotelier (TV Asahi, 2007, cameo, Ep 7)
Elephant (Jul 2009, as a guy ditch by girl friend, Ep 85)

Radio: DJ for SBS's "Youngstreet" Radio

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[Profile] Kim Hyung Joon

credit: + other sources

Birth Name: 김형준 (Kim Hyung Joon)
Hanja: 金亨俊
Japanese: キム・ヒョンジュン
Nickname: Turtle, Magnae (meaning the youngest in korean), baby
Birth date: 3rd August 1987
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 181cm
Blood type: O
Star sign: Leo
Family members: Parents, Younger brother, Myself
Education: High school affiliated to Dankook University, Currently studying in Kyonggi University specialise in Performing
Motto: No matter met with what hardship also must persevere through it

Hobbies: Listening to music, Online gaming, Working out
Idol: Justin Timberlake, Boa
Favorite animal : Rabbit, Puppy
Most satisfied body part: Waist, Lips
Animal to describe himself: Bear
Things will do before sleep: Review mistake done for the day, so as to improve the next day
Ways to relax: Sing to heart’s content, Going to beach, Going for a drive
Things in bag: iPod, handphone, sports atire
Thing that you do most seriously : Taking care of family members, singing, dancing
Type of girl he likes: Feminine and independent

3 wishes:
  1. Hope that SS501 can have successful activities in Taiwan and all of Asia in 2009
  2. New album be well-accepted by everyone
  3. Family members to be healthy

Position in team: Main vocal, rap

Talents: Writing lyrics, composing, singing, dancing, swimming, golf, horse riding

Past experience: Ock Joo Hyun's (Fin.K.L) Music Video - Catch, MC Mnet Hello Chat (2006), MC Mnet ALBRARY (2008), MC Mnet Countdown, MC for MBC-Every1's God of Cookery Expedition


Impossible Goodbye (Sayonara Ga Dekinai) ('Kokoro' August 2007)
I Am ('U R Man' November 2008)
Hey G (SS501 Solo Collection 2009)
Single Album: Men From Mars, Woman From Venus Feat. Miso (9 April 2009)

Composing song & lyrics: Hey G (SS501 Solo Collection, July 2009)

TV appearance:

Boys Before Flowers (KBS2, 2008, cameo, Ep 4)
Spotlight (MBC, 2008, cameo, Ep 1)
Hotelier (TV Asahi, 2007, cameo, Ep 7)

[Profile] Kim Kyu Jong

credit: + other sources

Birth Name: 김규종 (Kim Kyu Jong)
Hanja: 金圭鐘
Japanese: キム・ギュジョン
Nickname: Praying mantis, Gorilla, Prince (in high school)
Birth date: 24th February 1987
Birth place: Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Height: 181cm
Blood type: A
Star sign: Pisces
Family members: Parents, younger sister
Education: Currently studying in Department of Popular Music, Baekje Arts College
Motto: Take challenge with no regrets

Hobbies: Listening to music, Reading, Basketball
Idol: Rain
Things he fear most : Fear of heights, fear of taking plane, dog
Favourite colour: Use to be yellow, current favourite is Blue
Most satisfied body part: Left hand
Animal to describe himself: Deer
Things will do before sleep: brush teeth
Ways to relax: Travels alone
Thing that you do most seriously : Recording, Learning dance
Things in bag: Disposable Contact lens
Type of girl he likes: Optimistic, cheerful and brave

3 wishes:

1. Wish SS501 will expand to whole Asia
2. Wish Korean music market will go back to what it use to be
3. Shoot a Movie

Position in team: Main high vocal
Talents: Singing, dancing, magic tricks
Past experience: DJ for SBS's "Youngstreet" Radio (from August 2006), MC Mnet Countdown

* Hikari (光) ('Kokoro' August 2007)
* Never Let You Go ('U R Man' November 2008)
* Wuss Up (SS501 Solo Collection June 2009)

Break (Mnet, 2006)
SETI (webtoon drama, 2009)

Variety show
God of Cookery Expedition (MBC Every1, 21 Nov 2008 to 01 May 2009)

SBS SS501's Youngstreet (21 Aug 2006)

[Profile] Heo Young Saeng

credit: + other sources

Birth Name: 허영생 (Heo Young Saeng)
Hanja: 許永生
Japanese: ホ・ヨンセン
Nickname: Otter, Prince, Bad Boy
Birth date: 3rd November 1986
Birth place: Gochang County, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Height: 178cm
Blood type: O
Star sign: Scorpio
Family members: Parents
Education: Hyundai High School, Currently studying in Kyunghee Cyber University specialise in Information and Communication Technology
Motto: Always smile in life; Get through all obstacle, always look forward

Hobbies: Online gaming, basketball, listen to music
Idol: Seo Tai Ji (Legendary Korean Rock Singer)
Things he hates:
Favourite colour: Blue
Most satisfied body part: Shoulder
Animal to describe himself: Bear
Things will do before sleep: drink
Ways to relax: Close his eyes and listen to music
Things in bag: Ipod, wallet
Type of girl he likes: Adorable, clever, easy to communicate with

3 wishes:
  1. To earn a lot of money
  2. May the world know SS501 & Heo Young Saeng
  3. Be more meticulous
Position in team: Main high vocal
Talents: Playing piano, dancing, singing, song writing, composing

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

[Photos] Joong-Oguri meeting^^

added photo

Leader looks so fresh with new haircut! Naoki Seung Jo hair cut!! xDDD
and Oguri looks stylish~
he wears cooooool~ sneakers, so contrast with Leader's all-black-formal style~
i'll post more photos if i could find it! miss him a lot!
(although i know he would be seen again in a while~)

credit: photos from Liezle's blog
news from Ode's blog

Drama 'Boys over Flowers' Korean and Japanese protagonists - Kim Hyun Joong and Oguri Shun met up with each other.

Both of them met up on 20th July in a restaurant in Seoul Kangnam area, and held interviews with the Japanese presses. The reason why both of them are sharing this affinity is because of their portrayal of the same character in a same drama. Kim Hyun Joong starred as the Korean version of 'Boys over Flowers' as Yoon Ji Hoo, whilst Oguri Shun starred as the original Japanese version of 'Boys over Flowers' as Hanazawa Rui. Both of them had been taken in fiery comparison with each other very frequently. This drama had achieved huge success and popularity in many other countries as well.

On this day too, many fans, especially Japanese fans, came down specially to Korea just to see these two megastars.

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong is preparing for his next work 'Playful Kiss' and Oguri Shun is now in Korea to participate in the 13th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival with his directed work 'Surely Someday'

[Profile] Kim Hyun Joong

credit: + other sources

Birth Name: 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong)
Hanja: 金賢重
Japanese: キム・ヒョンジュン
Nickname: Cow, Dog, Walking Statue, 4th dimension
Birth date: 6 June 1986
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 180cm
Blood type: B
Star sign: Gemini
Family members: Grandmother, Parents, elder brother
Education: Hanyang Industrial High School, Kyonggi University specialise in Digital Music
Motto: Live life like there is only once

Hobbies: Swimming, football, basketball, Body building, fishing
Idol: Seo Tai Ji (Legendary Korean Rock Singer)
Things he hates: Insects, birds, sharp objects
Favourite colour: Black
Most satisfied body part: Eyes
Animal to describe himself: Lion
Things will do before sleep: Bath
Ways to relax: Go to tour
Things in bag: Ipod, Contact lens, wallet, handphone
Type of girl he likes: egg-shaped face with long hair, kind, innocent/pure, cute and naive yet sexy, someone who can be like a friend.

3 wishes:
  1. To be a world & universe class singer
  2. To gather fans from around the world to attend a free concert
  3. There after led a normal and peaceful life

Position in team: Leader, rap, middle low vocal
Talents: Singing, dancing, playing guitar, bass, piano, acting
Past experience: MC of Show Music Core, SBS Inki Gayo, Mnet Countdown



TV appearance:

  • It Started With A Kiss (MBC, 2010) as Baek Seung Jo (coming soon)
  • Boys Over Flowers (KBS2, 2008) as Yoon Ji Hoo
  • Spotlight (MBC, 2008, cameo, Ep 1)
  • Hotelier (TV Asahi, 2007, cameo, Ep 7)
  • Can Love Be Refilled? Sitcom (KBS2, 2005)
  • Nonstop 5 (MBC, 2005, Ep 208)
Voice actor : Pi's Story as crab

Variety show appearance:
  • X-Man
  • We got married


The 45th Baeksang Arts Awards: Popularity Award (Male) Boys Over Flowers (2009)

MBC's Entertainment Award 2008 ~ Best Couple Award: Ssangchu/Lettuce couple with HwangBo

Monday, July 19, 2010



Short Instructions:
- Click on 'GO'
- Click on 'HARD' for the game to have a speed limit OR
- Click on 'NORMAL' for the game to have NO speed limit
- For each 'stage' choose 1 out of 2 Idol group members that appear
- Continue until you get a FINAL MATCH


Short Instructions:
- Click on 'gogo'
- Click on 'NORMAL' for the members' face to be fully shown OR
- Click on 'HARD' for the members' face to be partly hidden
- For each 'stage' choose 1 out of 2 Idol group members that appear
- Continue until you get a FINAL MATCH

credit for 2 games above: applemint2@rocketboxx from Sulfur @ Tistory + lerly @CodeAzzurro

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